Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 81 | 1-5 Feb 2016
Agenda Item 9. (c)
Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF)

50. The expert from Germany, on behalf of the Co-Chairs of the IWG on ACSF, introduced GRRF-81-32 presenting the status of the work done (GRRF-81-18) by the IWG on ACSF. He explained that the IWG was working on the provisions for the proposed five categories of ACSF as well as requirements and testing procedures for the proper assessment of the safety performance of these functions. He clarified that the speed limit for Category E systems would be 130 km/h but that other Categories could work at higher speeds. GRRF endorsed the status report and agreed to resume consideration of this agenda item at its next session.

51. GRRF noted that the ToR of the IWG on ACSF, being submitted for adoption at the March 2016 session of WP.29, were not clearly stating whether the group shall address RCP as an ACSF Category A as drafted by the IWG. Therefore, GRRF requested the IWG to address RCP and requested the secretariat to note this formal request in the session report.

GRRF-81-14 Presentation of French views on the regulation of automatically commanded steering functions (France)
GRRF-81-18 Draft proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 79 to include ACSF > 10 km/h
GRRF-81-32 Status report of the ACSF informal working group (Germany)