Electric Vehicle Safety | Session 6 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 11.
Development of the draft GTR: Update GTR draft proposal

The EU asked whether the gas management issue of the Japanese proposal could only cover in-use but not post-crash. Japan agreed to consider the possible expansion of its scope for post-crash and should come back with a revised proposal of the gas management as soon as possible by the next EVS IWG.

Regarding the warning system, the EU provided a written remark referring to the UNECE R130 on AEBS. The EVS IWG awaits a detailed explanation from the EU by the next meeting and is expected to conclude the whole sentence for warning system. The text proposal might be amended accordingly.

The Korean proposal sentence #4.3 was agreed and included in the draft EVS GTR without [ ].

Hydrogen emissions during the charge procedures of the REESS requirement added in the annex part of the GTR draft was introduced and the EVS IWG asked all the participants to review the sentences of Hydrogen related part of annex and make comments by the next EVS IWG.

Pending Action items – review:
Action item 5: status of VPSD reported. The Secretary will check the consistency of wording. Remains as open action item

Action item 6: comments to be provided to Japan regarding the warring system for BMS failure – all delegations

Action item 7: Chinese delegation prepared the actual draft proposal of GTR to define the low energy battery warning. The EVS IWG asked China to lead a further discussion to complete their proposal for low energy battery warning (taking a full account of the ongoing work of the WG on tell-tale lights, implying cross WG cooperation) by next EVS IWG. OICA and other stakeholders are expected to join.

Action item 8: Japan as the secretary of IWG prepared the answer to the Action item 8 from #5 EVS IWG. The EVS IWG asked USA to lead a further discussion to complete their proposal for the boundary issue in case of feeding and charging by the next EVS IWG. OICA and other stakeholders are expected to join. Provided there is no common standard for charging it is expected that this will be a contribution to Part A of the GTR.

Action item 11: all participants are requested to review Japan’s proposal for an annex regarding gas management.

EVS-06-14 Working draft of the Electric Vehicle Safety GTR: Version 4