Outline of the GTR: The Secretary of EVS IWG asked all the participants again to review and update the GTR outline by the end of this meeting. The research items that are not being considered as part of the requirements in the GTR will be identified and noted in the part A of the GTR.
Outline table review:
The IWG reviewed the Outline table, item by item, to understand the status of each research item in order to reach a common understanding among all IWG participants regarding the status of each item and whether the IWG is on track or not to achieve the EVS GTR mandate. The Outline table was updated according to the outcome of this review exercise.
All the participants are requested to prepare presentations of their proposal and/or research data regarding the Outline of EVS GTR items if there are any plans and intentions for further discussion (e.g. the US on isolation resistance).
The EVS asked [USA] to lead discussions to identify the warning signal to the drivers for the REESS unusual case including low energy level warning and report to the IWG by the next meeting. China, Japan, OICA and SAE showed their intention to support these activities and the chairperson commented all other contributions from the contracting parties are also very much welcome as well. According to the discussions this may evolve to be a new TF.
The Secretary will reorganize the outline table chart, gathering some requirements related to each item, and will attach the updated Outline table with the meeting minutes for distribution to EVS IWG members.
TF leaders to inform the secretariat by the next meeting which areas are ready for drafting, which ones are open issues and which are the ones that can be dropped from the GTR.