Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category Vehicles | Session 1 | 18 Jan 2013
Agenda Item 8.
Any other business

- At 65th GRPE plenary meeting, two informal documents were introduced (GRPE-65-12, GRPE-65-13) regarding ‘Vehicle Propulsion System Definitions’.
- The chairman asked whether there was agreement that this should be not priority for our IWG. And added it could be on the agenda of next IWG meeting in April if stakeholders wanted.
- EC agreed this should not priority, however suggested it would be important to make sure that the document would not only focus on M- and N-category only.
- The chairman informed that, at the plenary GRPE, a face to face meeting was already scheduled in February to discuss the proposed document, and if necessary the outcome could be reviewed by us in April.