Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 7.
Test equipment and calibrations (Annex 5)

#23: 4WD dyno specifications:
T. Fujiwara outlined amendment proposal (WLTP-08-05) which was (in principle) adopted by WLTP IWG. Proposal needs editorial improvement (clarification of and / or composition and reordering of subparagraphs). Final wording will be given to the Drafting Coordinator by. T. Fujiwara.

#24-26: Starting note
WLTP-08-30e from Th. Adam was presented by M. Bergmann. Expert meeting will be scheduled for reporting and adoption in IWG meeting #9.

WLTP-08-05 WLTP: Requirements for 4WD dynamometers (Open issue item 23) (Japan)
WLTP-08-30 WLTP: Starting note for open issue items 24-26 (Audi)