Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 5.
WLTP-08-10 Modifications to the WLTP calculation parameter coefficients (Open issue item 5)
WLTP-08-11 WLTP use of the gearbox: required data (Open issue item 6)
WLTP-08-12 WLTP: Use of the gearbox, auwiliary gearboxes, exception of crawler gear (Open issue item 6)
WLTP-08-13 WLTP: Determination of engine speeds and calculation of available power (Open issue item 6)
WLTP-08-14/clean WLTP: Revised text for Annex 2 (Open issue item 6)
WLTP-08-15 WLTP: Replace 3 s rule by 2 s rule (Open issue item 8)
WLTP-08-16 WLTP: Gearshift family criteria (Open issue item 9)