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WLTP: Use of the gearbox, auwiliary gearboxes, exception of crawler gear (Open issue item 6)
Document WLTP-08-12
4 November 2014

Proposal to add requirements, address vehicles with a two-range transmission (low and high), and introduce the possibility to exclude crawler gears from the gear use calculation. The presentation proposed to add a provision: “For vehicles equipped with a two range transmission (low and high), only the range designed to normal on road operation is considered for the gear use determination.”

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. | Main part & Cycle issues (Annex 1 & 2)

#6: Annex 2, section 2, use of the gearbox, required data (WLTP-08-11e, WLTP-08-12e)
A modified description for nmin_drive and a modified definition for nmax were developed by the task force and presented for adoption. The 2 proposals were adopted by WLTP IWG.

For the amendment of definition of nmin_drive, the perspective was given to have a proposal ready for adoption for IWG meeting #10.

For the calculation of gear use if separate groups of transmission ratios are available, the proposal to base the gear use determination on the group normally used for on-road operation was adopted by WLTP IWG. The wording needs to be improved regarding “range” (B. Coleman, Drafting Coordinator).

Definition of exception of crawler gears in current gtr was discussed in TF without conclusion. Timeframe was extended to IWG meeting #10.

Relates to GTR No. 15 |