Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 56 | 9-12 Dec 2014
Agenda Item 4.
Harmonization of side impact dummies

12. The expert from Australia recalled GRSP about the decision of AC.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1112, para. 83) to adopt a new Addendum 2 to the M.R.1 to include specifications on the 50th percentile World Side Impact Dummy (WorldSID), by referring them to the corresponding ISO standard (as a temporary solution) awaiting the availability of the full set of drawings from ISO. The Chair of GRSP informed GRSP that the goal of the IWG on harmonization of side impact dummies was to convene at the beginning of 2015 to incorporate the specifications of that dummy in the M.R.1. However, he added that the work of the IWG would continue to incorporate the specifications of the fifth percentile dummy. Finally, GRSP noted WP.29-164-26, distributed at the November 2015 session of WP.29, providing an update on the cooperation of WP.29 secretariat with ISO, concerning the accessibility of ISO standards to the experts of subsidiary bodies of WP.29.

WP.29-164-26 Use of private standards in Regulations managed by WP.29 - Best practices