16. GRSG noted a practical demonstration on camera-monitor systems organized by OICA in the perimeter of the Palais des Nations.
17. The expert from the Netherlands, Chair of the IWG on camera-monitor systems (CMS) informed GRSG about the work progress made by the group on 5 and 6 June and on 29 and 30 September 2014 (GRSG-107-34). He stated that the group did not submit a draft amendment as expected, because a number of pending issues have not yet been resolved. He announced the intention of the Group to submit an official proposal allowing the replacement of all mirrors with camera-monitor systems, for consideration at the May 2015 session of GRSG. He also announced that the next meetings of the IWG were scheduled on 3 and 4 November in Paris and on 17 and 19 December 2015 in the Netherlands.
18. The expert from Japan introduced GRSG-107-10-Rev.1, superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/26 on the close-proximity field of vision. This proposal excludes close proximity devices for category M1 from the scope of the UN Regulation and allows Contracting Parties to limit the application of the scope of the UN Regulation to category M1 only. He added that the intention of his proposal was to allow Contracting Parties to keep their national requirements on close-proximity field of vision when UN Regulation No. 46 would be added to List A of the regulations to be included into the new UN Regulation No. 0. GRSG noted some concerns on the possible interpretation of the 1958 Agreement that could hamper the principle of reciprocal recognition of type approvals. GRSG agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2015 session on the basis of revised proposal prepared by the expert from Japan in cooperation with interested parties.
19. The expert from Germany introduced GRSG-107-31, proposing requirements for mirrors that have a folding mechanism operated electronically or by any other automatic system. He added that the speed at which the device for indirect vision should automatically return to the normal position, had been fixed at 5 km/h because of the difficulty to identify exactly the commencement of movement at 0 km/h. The proposal received a number of comments such as by the expert from the Netherlands who argued that even at 5 km/h, accidents could occur implying liability problem if the mirror did not deploy. The expert from EC suggested that further assessment on the risks of safety was needed to clarify the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer and the driver. Finally, GRSG agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2015 session on the basis of a revised proposal by the expert from Germany, taking into account the comments received.