World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 162 | 11-14 Mar 2014
Agenda Item 20.
Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

110. The representative of the Republic of Korea presented WP.29-162-16 complementing his presentations on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) given at the previous session of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1106, para. 117). He invited AC.3 to evaluate the possibility of establishing an IWG under GRPE with the aim to develop a new UN GTR. He added that his country would be committed to chair such a group.

111. The representative of Canada recalled her statement made at the previous session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1106, para. 118). She suggested focusing on the identification of best practices and the collection of information before undertaking regulatory work. The representative of the Russian Federation indicated that his country was concerned by air quality issues and announced an active participation in this work, if included in the programme of work. The representative of EU expressed his concern to involve the proper experts from the European Commission on this topic. The representative of OICA stated that work in this area may be, instead, based on an international standard and be addressed in the Consolidated Resolution for the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) and the Special Resolution S.R.1.

112. Before taking a decision on including this matter into the programme of work, AC.3 requested the secretariat to provide information, if any, on activities in this area within the UN and to report back to AC.3 at the next session in June 2014.

WP.29-161-12 Proposal for development of a new UN GTR on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) (Korea)
WP.29-161-13 Proposal for Development of a New UN GTR on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality (VIAQ) (KATRI and MOLIT)
WP.29-161-22 On the environmental safety of automobile vehicles (Russia)
WP.29-162-16 Implementation of vehicle indoor air quality requirements (MOLIT)