Task Force on the GTR 9 Legform Bumper Test Area | Session 3 | 18 Mar 2013
Washington, DC
Agenda Item 10.
Conclusion of the meeting

29. The chair thanked Mr Burleigh for his support with the WebEx possibilities for this meeting.

30. For the next meeting, it was mentioned that this should be considered to take place again in connection with the IG GTR9-PH2 meeting, maybe again as a half day meeting. However, the chair noted that the group also needs to consider that it may be needed to separate the work of the Task Force from the work of the IG since the Informal Group may finish their work in the near future.

[Note of the secretary: During the meeting of the Informal Group on GTR No 9 – Phase 2 it was finally agreed to hold the next meeting on 11 September 2013 in OICA offices in Paris.]