The Chair summarized the discussions which took place at the 105th session of GRSG in Geneva (8-11 October 2013). He recalled the decision of a structure in 3 parts, and a scope limited to categories M1 and N1 as a 1st step, with the possibility for the Contracting Parties to extend nationally the application to other categories.
The informal group Chair informed that the Chair of GRSG recalled the necessity to adopt the final Terms of Reference for the group at the 106th session of GRSG (May 2014).
The Netherlands questioned the scope and raised the concern of mutual recognition in the frame of the 1958 Agreement, should a manufacturer get a Type Approval to this regulation for national application for a vehicle of a category not in the scope of the regulation. It was clarified that the scope in a 1st step, as “if fitted”, will be limited to vehicles of categories M1/N1.
Conclusion: item to be further discussed.