Working Party on Noise and Tyres | Session 80 | 17-20 Sep
Agenda Item 2.
UN Regulation No. 41 (Noise Emissions of Motorcycles)

GRBP will recall that, at its previous session, the expert from the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA) presented interpretation documents on the application of the Real Driving Additional Sound Emission Provisions (RD-ASEP) in the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41. He explained that the objective of his documents was to avoid an excessive number of test runs through the proposed interpretation of the number of test points and the applicable test speed. GRBP decided to revert to this topic at this session.

GRBP-79-15 UN R41: Interpretation document with regards to the number of test points when performing test runs for type approval (IMMA)
GRBP-79-16 UN R41: Interpretation document with regards applicable test speed of the motorcycle when performing test runs for type approval (IMMA)
GRBP-79-38 UN R41: Introduction to the proposed interpretation documents (IMMA)