Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 76 | 17-21 Feb 2014
Agenda Item 8.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

29. The Chair of GRRF announced the next ITS informal group session scheduled to be held in March 2014 in Geneva.

30. He invited a presentation from two experts from the EU research project on vehicle platooning “Companion”, (GRRF-76-43). GRRF welcomed the idea of the Chair to share information about innovations related to vehicles automations and self-driving vehicles. GRRF agreed to dedicate one permanent agenda item to this subject and requested the secretariat to explore possibilities to dedicate an (additional) session (half a day) to this subject.

[A Scania video on platooning has also been posted on the WP.29 website and can be accessed via this link.]

GRRF-76-43 Cooperative dynamic formation of platoons for safe and energy-optimized goods transportation (Scania)