World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 190 | 19-22 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 17.4.
UN GTR No. 22 on in-vehicle battery durability (Electric vehicles and the environment)

178. The representative of the United States of America explained that since the adoption of UN GTR No. 22, further experience had been gained through proposal to include UN GTR No. 22 in European Union and the United States of America legislative proposals. He added that further development to UN GTR No. 22 would focus on accounting for energy consumption not related to mobility, and to develop minimum performance requirements for category 2 vehicles. He concluded by informing AC.3 that an amendment to UN GTR No. 22 was expected to be finalized in the course of 2024.

179. The representative of China requested to consider more extensively the issue of vehicles fitted with swappable batteries in further consideration of UN GTR No. 22 or forthcoming UN GTR on heavy duty in-vehicle battery durability.

180. The Chair of GRPE confirmed swappable batteries had been considered when developing UN GTR No. 22, but were discarded for the time being and added that the topic could be reconsidered when such technology is becoming more widely available globally.