World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 189 | 6-9 Mar 2023
Agenda Item 2.4.
Follow-up to the eighty-fifth session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC)

34. The secretariat briefed WP.29 on the outcomes of the eighty-fifth session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC).

35. He highlighted the following ITC decisions with relevance to WP.29:

“14. Noting the completion of the ECE Road Safety Action Plan in 2020, following the end of the first Decade of Action for Road Safety, thanked the secretariat for developing a revised ECE Road Safety Action Plan, 2023-2030, in line with the Committee’s decisions at its eighty-fourth session; and took note of the principles covered in revised “ECE Road Safety Action Plan, 2023-2030”, as contained in ECE/TRANS/2023/7 and invited its relevant Working Parties to submit in the course of 2023 their first inputs to the secretariat in the corresponding areas of the action plan that are relevant to their work and contributions;

40. Took note of the status of implementation by the Committee and its subsidiary bodies of the revised Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Road Map that was adopted at its eighty-third session and encouraged:

• The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its subsidiary bodies to continue their activities on automated and connected vehicles

44. On the basis of ECE/TRANS/2023/21, the Committee decided on the following ways to strengthen its role and contribution on this critical matter that is addressed horizontally by several of the Committee’s subsidiaries, as well as the Committee itself:
(f) expressed its strong and active support towards the task initiated by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (WP.29/GRPE) to develop a globally harmonized methodology to determine the life-cycle carbon footprint of road vehicles;

55. Welcomed ECE/TRANS/2023/23 entitled “Taking stock of new trends towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure” …and in this regard:

• Requested WP.29 to make proposals on possible future activities on regulatory tools for harmonized communication between vehicles and Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), taking into consideration already existing related standards and/ or protocols.

59. Commended the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, WP.29, on its work and achievements such as (a) its successful finalization of the package of five new United Nations Regulations on the protection of vulnerable road users aimed at increasing road safety, (b) the update of United Nations Regulation No. 157 for the approval/certification of Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) for the motorway use case for speeds up to 130 km/h and the prompt progress made under the global initiative of the “Framework document on Automated Vehicles” to cover all use cases and all vehicle types, and (c) its engagement in the development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), of e.g. energy consumption and carbon emissions with focus on electric powered vehicles aiming to support decarbonization of road transport. [Agenda item 7(k)]

60. Noted with support that WP.29 had urged the Member States to request that adequate budget be made available for the continuation of full interpretation services for hybrid meetings, to continue giving delegations from low- and middle-income countries the possibility to participate either in person or remotely in WP.29. The full continuation of hybrid meetings is consistent with the global push to reduce carbon emissions as evidenced by the Conference of Parties, COP27 meeting held in Egypt; -Invited delegations to communicate these elements to their capitals as well as missions to the United Nations in Geneva and New York; [Agenda item 7(k)]

61. Noted the wish of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA), to hold one of its annual sessions in the year 2024 outside Geneva; invited Contracting Parties outside Europe to host one of the sessions of GRVA in their country as signal for full global cooperation in the field of automated and connected driving; [Agenda item 7(k)]

62. Noted that Mr A. Erario (Italy) had been re-elected by acclamation as WP.29 Chair and that Mr T. Naono (Japan) had been elected by secret ballot as WP.29 Vice-Chair; [Agenda item 7(k)]

63. Endorsed the activities listed in ECE/TRANS/2023/25; [Agenda item 7(k)]"

36. The Chair highlighted the overall positive support by ITC for WP.29 activities and opened discussion on ITC decision No. 55. The Chair of GRVA proposed that the IWG on ITS address the ITC request on communication protocols between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and recharging infrastructure, in a similar way as done for the request to address V2V communication.

37. The Chair of the IWG on ITS supported such approach to have the IWG on ITS first consider the issue and to propose WP.29 a way forward, including potential distribution of activities among the relevant GRs. The Chair of GRPE supported this idea.

38. WP.29 agreed that the IWG on ITS would address the ITC request related to the communication protocols between EVs and their recharging infrastructure.

WP.29-189-07 ADS: Amendments to New Assessment/Test Method guidelines
WP.29-189-08 Electronic Repository of Traffic Rules