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(Latest 24 March 2023)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal | Report |

1. The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) held its 189th session from 7 to 9 March 2023, chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy). The following countries were represented, following Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.1): Australia, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Zimbabwe. Representatives of the European Union participated. The following international organization was represented: International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The following non-governmental organizations were also represented:, Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst (AECC), Consumers International (CI), European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA/MEMA/JAPIA) , Fédération internationale des véhicules anciens (FIVA), International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), Fédération International de l’Automobile (FIA), International Automotive Lighting and Light Signalling Expert Group (GTB), International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA), International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), European Tyre and Rim Technical Association (ETRTO) and SAE International. Other non-governmental organizations were represented following Rule 1(d): American Automotive Policy Council (AAPC), and World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA).

Opening statements

2. The Chair of WP.29, Mr. A. Erario (Italy) welcomed the delegates to the 189th session of WP.29 and opened the meeting with the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the 1958 Agreement. He invited the Executive Secretary of UNECE, Ms. Olga Algayerova, the Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt, the Director of the Sustainable Transport Division, Mr. Yuwei Li, as well as the participating countries of the first session of WP.29, other delegations, and industry for their remarks (see Annex VI of the session report for more details). He announced that the 25th Anniversary of the 1998 Agreement will be celebrated at the June 2023 session.

3. The recent elected Vice-Chair of WP.29, Mr. Naono (Japan) made the following brief inauguration speech: “At first, I would like to thank all the members for your trust in me and Japan. I am honoured to support Mr. Erario, our chairman from this session. Not necessary to mention, but WP.29 has definitely an important role in future traffic safety, environmental protection and automobile industry. I would like to keep three points in my mind as Vice-Chair. First one is to make WP.29 further world-wide organization. I am the first Vice-Chair from an Asian country. It means WP.29 is becoming a world-wide organization in real meaning. WP.29 can be a more world-wide organization by considering situations in various countries including Asia, Africa, South America and other developing countries. Second one is to achieve our goal of safer traffic and carbon neutrality. Thanks to recent technology, such as autonomous driving technology and batteries, the automobile gets more room for improving to be safer and more eco-friendly. WP.29 can use such technology to achieve our goals together with the automobile industry. Third one is to take care of vulnerable road user. Even now, a lot of vulnerable road users are facing some dangerous situations in daily traffic. Traffic should be equivalent for every road user, such as elderly people and children. I will keep these three points in my mind and am willing to support Mr. Erario and all the stakeholders in WP29.”

1. Adoption of the agenda

4. WP.29 adopted the annotated provisional agenda, added new agenda item 8.6. “Any other business”, for covering information by Japan on the ESV Conference 2023 and a statement from South Africa. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1170, and 1170/Corr.1, WP.29-189-04 and the running order of the 189th session (WP.29-189-03)).

WP.29-189-03 | WP.29-189: Running order for the March 2023 session
WP.29-189-04 | WP.29-189: Updated consolidated agenda for the March 2023 session
WP.29/1170 | WP.29: Annotated provisional agenda for the 189th (March 2023) session
WP.29/1170/Corr.1 | WP.29-189: Corrigendum to the provisional agenda

5. The list of informal documents is reproduced in Annex I to the session report.

2. Coordination and organization of work
2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

6. The 141st session of WP.29/AC.2 (6 March 2023) was chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy), Chair of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, WP.29, and was attended, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.2) by the Chairs of GRBP (France), GRE (Finland), GRPE (Netherlands), GRSG (Italy), GRSP (United States of America), GRVA (Germany), and the Vice-Chairs of GRE (Netherlands), GRPE (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), GRSG (represented by Canada delegate), GRSP (Republic of Korea), GRVA (China and Japan), the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Agreement (Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America), the Vice-Chair of WP.29 (Japan) and by the representatives of the European Union.

7. AC.2 recommended the election of AC.3 Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons by acclamation.

8. AC.2 reviewed the updated calendar for 2023, the draft calendar for 2024. AC.2 welcomed the list of priorities for 2024 prepared by the secretariat and invited GRs to provide inputs related to their respective activities/priorities.

9. AC.2 recalled discussions on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and called on WP.29 delegates to provide feedback before the 190th session of WP.29. AC.2 also recalled the established process related to Copy-Right issues and reminded WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies to continue following them.

10. AC.2 reviewed the draft Programme of Work (PoW) for 2023 and recommend its adoption, as amended, by WP.29.

11. AC.2 was informed of the outcome of the special session of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in January 2023 on the potential role of WP.29 regarding vehicular communication and discussed the potential next steps proposed by the Co-Chairs of the group, i.e. the establishment of a task force under the IWG on ITS.

12. AC.2 was informed on the outcome of a combined workshop of the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety, WP.1, Informal Group of Experts on Automated Driving (IGEAD) and the WP.29/GRVA Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV). AC.2 discussed the collaboration between WP.29 and WP.1. It supported that communications continues at the operational level while WP.29 and WP.1 are exploring the needs of the Working Parties.

13. AC.2 renewed the approval for the European Caravan Federation, the European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers Association and the European Association for Electromobility. AC.2 considered the application of European Noise Barrier Federation and IRF Global. It agreed to resume consideration of these applications at its next session and authorized European Noise Barrier Federation and IRF Global to participate at GRBP and GRVA respectively in 2023 so that they present their activities.

14. AC.2 noted the pending consideration of the application of a university as an NGO with ECOSOC status.

15. AC.2 recommended AC.4 not to convene.

2.2. Programme of work and documentation

16. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-189-01/Rev.1), the calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2023 (WP.29-189-02). He highlighted that due to the cancellation of a meeting of a Group of Experts serviced by the Sustainable Transport Division, a few days became available to WP.29, which have been allocated to GRPE. He further advised that all meetings scheduled for 2023 would be in person.

17. The representative of Australia asked that IWG chairs consider, where possible, to hold IWG meetings either side of the relevant.

18. The Secretary of WP.29 presented WP.29-189-15, the revised Programme of Work (PoW) that was based on agreed priorities following discussions at GRs, AC.2 and previous sessions of WP.29.

19. The Representative of the European Union urged the Contracting parties, the industry and NGOs to accelerate the work on vehicle automation and automated driving systems. There is an urgency to start translating the conceptual discussion in FRAV and VMAD into concrete regulatory requirements applicable to type approval by addressing the specificities of the different automation levels, such as the applicability of VMAD methodology to level 4. The representative from the UK recognised the challenge of regulating automated driving systems but emphasized the importance of this work for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the need to move to regulatory requirements.

20. WP.29 adopted the Programme of Work, which would be issued under symbol ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/1/Rev.1.

WP.29-189-01/Rev.1 | WP.29: Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs on 15 February 2023
WP.29-189-02 | WP.29: Calendar of sessions for 2023
WP.29-189-15 | WP.29: Revised programme of work
WP.29/2023/1/Rev.1 | WP.29: Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its Subsidiary Bodies
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

21. The Chair of GRVA recalled his presentation at the November 2022 session of the inventory of best Automated Driving Systems (ADS) storage practices titled “Review of the national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD” (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/42). WP.29 adopted the document.

WP.29/2023/42 | Inventory of best ADS storage practices (Review of the existing national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD) Document to provide information on the existing national / regional activities on Data Storage System for Automated Driving (DSSAD) and individual Contracting Party recommendations for a proposed way forward for DSSAD.

22. The Chair of GRVA recalled the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/43, which included an updated Table 1 of the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles (FDAV). He announced the next iteration of that document would include the tasks and deliverables of the IWG on Cyber Security and Over-the-Air issues, to be expected in one of the next WP.29 sessions. WP.29 adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/43.

WP.29/2023/43 | AV Framework Document: Proposal for an updated Table 1

23. WP.29 reviewed WP.29-189-07, “New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) – amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/58” prepared by the GRVA IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) and requested the secretariat to distribute the document with an official symbol at the next session of WP.29.

WP.29-189-07 | ADS: Amendments to New Assessment/Test Method guidelines Proposal for amendments submitted by the informal group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD).

24. The Chair of GRVA announced that WP.29 would receive a document from the GRVA IWG on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (FRAV) for consideration at its June 2023 session as well as a combined document stemming from the FRAV and VMAD activities, as a pre-regulatory package for consideration one year later.

25. The GRVA Secretary presented WP.29-189-18, a note by the secretariat based on the working paper ITS-05-02 prepared as a background note for the fifth session of the IWG on ITS, a special session organized upon request by WP.29. He reported that IWG received other presentations and liaison statements from standard developing organizations, and that the discussions were fruitful. He invited WP.29 to discuss further steps.

26. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Co-Chair of the IWG on ITS, explained that the Co-Chairs of the group proposed that a task force be established under the IWG on ITS to further analyse the potential role of WP.29 in vehicular communications. He explained that the group would not be a substitute to GRVA as a drafting body for technical provisions in that field but that more exploration was needed and more of these focused sessions would support that workstream. The experts from the Netherlands, ITU, OICA and SAE International shared supporting views.

27. WP.29 agreed to establish a Task Force under the IWG on ITS and to transmit
WP.29-189-18/Rev.1 to the task force.

WP.29-189-18/Rev.1 | Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication in the context of WP.29

28. The representative of ITU presented WP.29-189-08 recalling the offer of ITU to host a database serving as electronic repository with traffic rules.

29. The representative of Canada recalled the organization in Canada regarding vehicle regulations and traffic rules with responsibilities at various levels. He understood the value of a central repository especially in the context of international traffic. He did not see it as the role of the governments to provide already publicly available information in an international database and to commit maintaining this database.

30. The representative of Germany confirmed that his country would hesitate to commit resources, since information was already publicly available.

31. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland explained that his country already published their highway code and is exploring the possibility of making it machine readable. He was cautious about countries being held liable, but he had no objection to the proposal and suggested that it should be presented to WP.1.

32. The representative of Australia supported the views expressed and recognised that such a repository could be useful to industry. He cautioned that regulation would refer to the content of a database and warned of the potential difficulties encountered in case the database content would not be accurate or up to date.

33. WP. 29 agreed that, while this a subject of common interest, WP.1 is the appropriate venue for a discussion on such database. WP29 invited ITU to make this presentation at WP.1.

WP.29-189-08 | Electronic Repository of Traffic Rules
2.4. Follow-up to the eighty-fifth session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC)

34. The secretariat briefed WP.29 on the outcomes of the eighty-fifth session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC).

35. He highlighted the following ITC decisions with relevance to WP.29:

“14. Noting the completion of the ECE Road Safety Action Plan in 2020, following the end of the first Decade of Action for Road Safety, thanked the secretariat for developing a revised ECE Road Safety Action Plan, 2023-2030, in line with the Committee’s decisions at its eighty-fourth session; and took note of the principles covered in revised “ECE Road Safety Action Plan, 2023-2030”, as contained in ECE/TRANS/2023/7 and invited its relevant Working Parties to submit in the course of 2023 their first inputs to the secretariat in the corresponding areas of the action plan that are relevant to their work and contributions;

40. Took note of the status of implementation by the Committee and its subsidiary bodies of the revised Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Road Map that was adopted at its eighty-third session and encouraged:

• The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its subsidiary bodies to continue their activities on automated and connected vehicles

44. On the basis of ECE/TRANS/2023/21, the Committee decided on the following ways to strengthen its role and contribution on this critical matter that is addressed horizontally by several of the Committee’s subsidiaries, as well as the Committee itself:
(f) expressed its strong and active support towards the task initiated by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (WP.29/GRPE) to develop a globally harmonized methodology to determine the life-cycle carbon footprint of road vehicles;

55. Welcomed ECE/TRANS/2023/23 entitled “Taking stock of new trends towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure” …and in this regard:

• Requested WP.29 to make proposals on possible future activities on regulatory tools for harmonized communication between vehicles and Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), taking into consideration already existing related standards and/ or protocols.

59. Commended the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, WP.29, on its work and achievements such as (a) its successful finalization of the package of five new United Nations Regulations on the protection of vulnerable road users aimed at increasing road safety, (b) the update of United Nations Regulation No. 157 for the approval/certification of Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) for the motorway use case for speeds up to 130 km/h and the prompt progress made under the global initiative of the “Framework document on Automated Vehicles” to cover all use cases and all vehicle types, and (c) its engagement in the development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), of e.g. energy consumption and carbon emissions with focus on electric powered vehicles aiming to support decarbonization of road transport. [Agenda item 7(k)]

60. Noted with support that WP.29 had urged the Member States to request that adequate budget be made available for the continuation of full interpretation services for hybrid meetings, to continue giving delegations from low- and middle-income countries the possibility to participate either in person or remotely in WP.29. The full continuation of hybrid meetings is consistent with the global push to reduce carbon emissions as evidenced by the Conference of Parties, COP27 meeting held in Egypt; -Invited delegations to communicate these elements to their capitals as well as missions to the United Nations in Geneva and New York; [Agenda item 7(k)]

61. Noted the wish of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA), to hold one of its annual sessions in the year 2024 outside Geneva; invited Contracting Parties outside Europe to host one of the sessions of GRVA in their country as signal for full global cooperation in the field of automated and connected driving; [Agenda item 7(k)]

62. Noted that Mr A. Erario (Italy) had been re-elected by acclamation as WP.29 Chair and that Mr T. Naono (Japan) had been elected by secret ballot as WP.29 Vice-Chair; [Agenda item 7(k)]

63. Endorsed the activities listed in ECE/TRANS/2023/25; [Agenda item 7(k)]"

36. The Chair highlighted the overall positive support by ITC for WP.29 activities and opened discussion on ITC decision No. 55. The Chair of GRVA proposed that the IWG on ITS address the ITC request on communication protocols between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and recharging infrastructure, in a similar way as done for the request to address V2V communication.

37. The Chair of the IWG on ITS supported such approach to have the IWG on ITS first consider the issue and to propose WP.29 a way forward, including potential distribution of activities among the relevant GRs. The Chair of GRPE supported this idea.

38. WP.29 agreed that the IWG on ITS would address the ITC request related to the communication protocols between EVs and their recharging infrastructure.

3. Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29
3.1. Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP) (Seventy-sixth session, 5-7 September 2022)

39. The World Forum approved the report of the Chair of GRBP at its seventy-sixth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/74).

GRBP/74 | GRBP-76: Report of the September 2022 session
3.2. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Fourteenth session, 26 - 30 September 2022)

40. The World Forum approved the report of the Chair of GRVA on its fourteenth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/14).

GRVA/14 | GRVA: Report from the 14th (September 2022) session
3.3. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (124th session, 11-14 October 2022)

41. The World Forum approved the report of the Chair of GRSG on its 124th session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/103).

GRSG/103 | Report on the 124th (October 2022) GRSG session
3.4. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-seventh session, 25-28 October 2022)

42. The World Forum approved the report of the Chair of GRE on its 87th session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/87).

GRE/87 | GRE: Report from the 87th (October 2022) session
3.5. Highlights of the recent session
3.5.1. Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Seventy-second session, 5-9 December 2022)

43. The representative of the United States of America on behalf of the Chair of GRSP informed WP.29 about the results achieved by his group during its seventy-second session (for details see the session report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/72), which took place in hybrid on December 5-9, 2022.

GRSP/72 | GRSP: Report from the 72nd (December 2022) session

44. GRSP agreed to transform the ad-hoc group on Equitable Protection of Occupants into an Informal Working Group, on the same subject, and adopted the Terms of Reference of the IWG. Therefore, GRSP Chair agreed to seek endorsement of WP.29 and AC.3 at their March 2023 sessions to the establishment of the IWG. The World Forum endorsed the decision of GRSP pending adoption of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the IWG (through the adoption of the report of the seventy-second session of GRSP), and parallel endorsement of the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) (see para. 129).

GRSP/72 | GRSP: Report from the 72nd (December 2022) session

45. GRSP recommended the proposal for Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 13 on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles at the June 2023 session of AC.3. The representative of Japan welcomed the decision of GRSP, looking forward the consensus of vote of AC.3 for the establishment of the Amendment into the Global Registry.

GRSP/72 | GRSP: Report from the 72nd (December 2022) session

46. The Chair of GRSP asked WP.29 to postpone to the June session of the World Forum the outcome of results of its Task Force on Autonomous Vehicle Regulatory Screening. The World Forum endorsed the request of GRSP Chair.

GRSP/72 | GRSP: Report from the 72nd (December 2022) session

47. The World Forum noted that Mr. M. Koubek (United States of America) as Chair and Mr. H.G. Kim (Republic of Korea) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRSP scheduled in the year 2023.

GRSP/72 | GRSP: Report from the 72nd (December 2022) session
3.5.2. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Eighty-seventh session, 10-13 January 2023)

48. The Chair of GRPE (Netherlands) reported to WP.29 on the results achieved by GRPE during its eighty-seventh session (for more details see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/87).

GRPE/87 | GRPE: Report of the 87th (January 2023) session

49. GRPE endorsed proposals for a new UN Regulation on Global Real Driving Emissions (Global RDE), a new 08 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles), new supplements to UN Regulations Nos. 24 (Visible pollutants, measurement of power of C.I. engines (Diesel smoke)), 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines), 83 (Emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles), 85 (Measurement of the net power and the 30 min. power) and 101 (CO2 emission/fuel consumption).

GRPE/87 | GRPE: Report of the 87th (January 2023) session

50. GRPE adopted a proposal for a new UN GTR on Laboratory Measurement of Brake Emissions for Light-Duty Vehicles together with its final status report.

GRPE/87 | GRPE: Report of the 87th (January 2023) session

51. GRPE approved the terms of reference for the IWG on A-LCA and agreed to revise terms of references and rules of procedure for the IWG on EPPR.

GRPE/87 | GRPE: Report of the 87th (January 2023) session

52. GRPE agreed to create a task force Fitness of GRPE Regulations and GTRs for ADS, with a kick off meeting expected to take place before the next session of GRPE.

GRPE/87 | GRPE: Report of the 87th (January 2023) session

53. GRPE requested the secretary to organize an additional session of GRPE dedicated to the topic of LCA, preferably in April 2023. The secretariat confirmed a special GRPE session will take place 12-13 April 2023.

54. The representative of Australia requested further clarifications about the emission limits in RDE and how they are linked with Euro 6e. He wondered if an RDE procedure would be available in the future for vehicles complying with lower emission limits, considering the available fuel quality in some regions.

55. The Chair of GRPE confirmed UN Regulation on RDE is linked with the latest emission limits in the UN Regulations Nos. 83 and 154 for mutual recognition. He highlighted the importance of advanced fuel quality requirement to be able to meet the latest emission limits.

56. The representative of Japan acknowledged the contribution of the Chair of GRPE. He emphasized the activities of the IWG on A-LCA as relevant for Japan, valued the adoption of the terms of reference and the additional GRPE session in April.

57. The Chair of GRPE confirmed the importance of this activity and of the dedicated GRPE session in April on the topic. He acknowledged the contributions of Japan and Korea for initiating the activity, and other countries for their growing engagement.

3.5.3. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Fifteenth session 23-27 January 2023)

58. The GRVA Chair reported on the results achieved by GRVA during its fifteenth session (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/15 for further details).

59. WP.29 endorsed the establishment of the IWG on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE). The representative of Japan highlighted the importance of this work and expressed gratitude for this endorsement.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

60. WP.29 agreed that GRVA would collaborate with the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) in order to define vehicle (sub-) categories related to ADS.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

61. WP.29 noted that GRVA would organize further workshops on the implementation of cyber security provisions developed by the IWG on CS/OTA.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

62. WP.29 agreed that GRVA would host a workshop on Electro-Mechanical Braking systems, a new braking system with potential benefits for electric and automated vehicles and stressed its importance.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

63. WP.29 assigned UN Regulations Nos. 102 and 147 to GRSG.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

64. WP.29 noted the work done and the coordination provided by the GRVA task force on the fitness of UN Regulations and UN GTRs with regards to ADS and expected a report at its June 2023 session.

65. WP.29 transmitted GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 (Identification of the status of a vehicle with ADS) to the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems.

GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 | Identification of the Status of a Vehicle with ADS Information concerning ways to address the interests of law enforcement in being able to determine whether a vehicle is being operated by an ADS relative to the enforcement of laws regarding activities permitted to a driver (or conversely, permitted to the occupant of a driver's seat while the vehicle is under ADS operation).
GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session

66. WP.29 invited the GRVA Chair to inform the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1), on behalf of WP.29, at its next session in March 2023 about the discussion at WP.29 regarding the collaboration between the two working parties.

67. WP.29 agreed that a basis document to organize collaboration with WP.1 would be prepared for the WP.29 June 2023 session by the GRVA Chair, the WP.29 Chair, the secretariat and interested parties.

GRVA/15 | GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session
3.5.4. Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP) (Seventy-seventh session, 7-10 February 2023)

68. The GRBP Chair reported on the results achieved by GRBP at its seventy-seventh session (for details, see the report of the session ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/75).

GRBP/75 | GRBP-75: Report of the February 2023 session

69. The GRBP chair requested that the mandates of the Informal Working Groups on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (IWG ASEP) and of the Informal Working Group on Wet Grip Performance of Tyres in Worn State (IWG WGWT) be extended until December 2024 and February 2026, respectively. WP.29 gave its consent.

70. The GRBP chair pointed out that, on 1 July 2023, a one-year monitoring period would start for collecting and analysing test data on the Real Driving Additional Sound Emission Provisions (RD ASEP) in UN Regulation No. 51 and that GRBP agreed on the organization of this process and adopted amendment proposals clarifying the collection and transmission of RD-ASEP data. He further mentioned that the above amendments, if approved in June 2023, would enter into force around January 2024, while the data collection should start on 1 July 2023. Therefore, GRBP counted on cooperation of Contracting Parties and urged Type Approval Authorities and Technical Services to collect and transmit the RD ASEP data as of 1 July 2023.

71. The GRBP Chair recalled that, at the WP.29 session in November 2022, two solutions had been suggested to prohibit the use of Unique Identifier (UI) in UN Regulations:

  1. Elaborate a standard clause to be inserted in UN Regulations; or
  2. Adopt an amendment to Schedule 5 of the 1958 Agreement.

72. Finally, the GRBP chair reported that GRBP launched a Special Interest Group on Automated Vehicles Regulation Screening (SIG AVRS) which had screened 21 UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRBP and identified 13 UN Regulations for further consideration. He pointed out that GRBP was waiting for the WP.29 and GRVA priorities in this respect as well as for new definitions of vehicle categories (or subcategories) dedicated to ADS.

4. 1958 Agreement
4.1. Status of the Agreement and of the annexed UN Regulations
4.2. Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
4.2.1. Reproduction and reference to private standards in UN Regulations, Global Technical Regulations and Rules
4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
4.2.3. Interpretation of specific UN Regulations
4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system
4.4. Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)
4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRBP
4.6.1. Proposal for Supplement 8 to 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles)
4.6.2. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 138 (Quiet road transport vehicles)
4.6.3. Proposal for Supplement 25 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 30 (Tyres for passenger cars and their trailers)
4.6.4. Proposal for Supplement 15 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling resistance, rolling noise and wet grip)
4.6.5. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling resistance, rolling noise and wet grip)
4.6.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to UN Regulation No. 164 (Studded tyres)
4.6.7. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling resistance, rolling noise and wet grip)
4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRVA
4.7.1. Proposal for a Supplement 17 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 13-H (Braking of Passenger Cars)
4.7.2. Proposal for a Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Braking Category L vehicles)
4.7.3. Proposal for a Supplement 3 to the 01 series of UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS)
4.7.4. Proposal for a Supplement 1 to the 02 series of UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS)
4.7.5. Proposal for a Supplement 5 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 140 (ESC)
4.7.6. Proposal for a Supplement 6 to the original text of UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS)
4.7.7. Proposal for a Supplement 5 to the 01 series of UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS)
4.7.8. Proposal for a Supplement 3 to the 02 series of UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS)
4.7.9. Proposal for a Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 157 (ALKS)
4.8. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSG
4.8.1. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)
4.8.2. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)
4.8.3. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 105 (Vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods)
4.8.4. Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 121 (Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators)
4.8.5. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of vision of drivers)
4.8.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 116 (Anti-theft and alarm systems)
4.8.7. Proposal of 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 110 (CNG and LNG vehicles)
4.9. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRE
4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.2. Proposal for Supplement 22 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.3. Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.4. Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.5. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.6. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)
4.9.7. Proposal for Supplement 24 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)
4.9.8. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)
4.9.9. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)
4.9.10. Proposal for Supplement 12 to UN Regulation No. 65 (Special warning lamps)
4.9.11. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 00 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 148 (Light-signalling devices)
4.9.12. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 148 (Light-signalling devices)
4.9.13. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 00 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 149 (Road illumination devices)
4.9.14. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 149 (Road illumination devices)
4.9.15. Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 00 series of amendments UN Regulation No. 150 (Retro-reflective devices)
4.9.16. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 150 (Retro-reflective devices)
4.10. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by the GRs, if any
4.11. Consideration of additional proposals for amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
4.12. Consideration of proposals for new UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
4.13. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum for consideration, if any
4.14. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)
4.14.1. Proposal for Amendment 9 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)
4.15. Proposal for amendments to the Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements
4.16. Proposal for new Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement
5. 1998 Agreement
5.1. Status of the Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement
5.2. Consideration of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs
5.3. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any
5.4. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTRs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
5.5. Implementation of the 1998 Agreement Programme of Work by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum
6. Elements of common interest under 1958 and 1998 Agreements
6.1. Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or UN GTRs into national/regional law
7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)
7.1. Status of the 1997 Agreement
7.2. Amendments to the 1997 Agreement
7.3. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement
7.4. Update of existing Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement
7.5. Update of Resolution R.E.6 related to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres
7.6. Vehicle whole-life compliance
8. Other business
8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems
8.2. Consistency between the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN GTRs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
8.3. Second Decade of Action for Road Safety
8.4. Safer and cleaner used and new vehicles for low- and middle-income countries
8.5. Documents for publication
8.6.1. Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
8.6.2. Review of UN Regulations and GTRs on their fitness for ADS
9. Adoption of the report
10. Establishment of the Committee AC.1
11. Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing UN Regulations and for new UN Regulations – Voting by AC.1
12. Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3 and election of officers for the year 2022
13. Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments into their national/regional law
14. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft UN GTRs and/or draft amendments to established UN GTRs, if any
14.1. Proposal for a new UN GTR, if any
14.2. Proposal for amendments to a UN GTR, if any
14.3. Proposal for amendments to the Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement, if any
14.4. Proposal for new Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement, if any
15. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTRs, if any
16. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTRs that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
17. Progress on the development of new UN GTRs and of amendments to established UN GTRs
17.1. UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)
17.2. UN GTR No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) – Phase 2)
17.3. UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 2)
17.4. UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres)
17.5. UN GTR No. 20 (Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS))
17.6. UN GTR No. 22 on in-vehicle battery durability (Electric vehicles and the environment)
17.8. Draft UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions (GRDE)
17.9. Proposal for a draft UN GTR on brake particulate emissions
18. Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin
18.1. Event Data Recorder (EDR)
19. Other business
20. Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2023
21. Amendments to Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement
22. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement
23. Other business