Working Party on General Safety | Session 123 | 28 Mar-1 Apr 2022
Agenda Item 2. (a)
UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)

3. The secretariat of GRSP introduced a presentation (GRSP-70-02) on the work progress of IWG on Safer Transport of Children in Buses and Coaches (IWG-STCBC) to GRSG. The expert from Germany added a clarification that the aim of IWG was a new UN Regulation concerning existing systems used in passenger cars and that the specific new Child Restraint System (CRS) would be not developed. He added that IWG favoured built-in CRS and booster cushions due to their lack of bulk. However, especially in the latter case, the problem of head containment would remain. He also stated that the belt length would be an issue since buses had not been structured to incorporate large rolls of belts to secure CRS. He finally announced that a proposal would be officially presented by IWG at the December 2022 session of GRSP.

4. The expert from Sweden introduced GRSG-123-14 on an accident involving a M3 Class I vehicle articulated with a CNG propulsion system which had collided with a height restriction portal. The expert from the United Kingdom confirmed that similar accidents occurred in his country with high buses against infrastructure (e.g. bridges). The expert from the Netherlands added that accidents of this kind may involve vehicles with different propulsion and technology (e.g. electric vehicles), and confirmed the relevance of the issue. GRSG agreed in principle to resume discussion on this topic based on the final results of the investigation provided by the expert from Sweden.

5. The Chair of GRSG reiterated his invitation to experts to report on current activities regarding consideration of specifications on autonomous shuttles with the aim of reviewing the applicability of existing requirements or creating new categories of these vehicles, and asked if there were updates.

6. The expert from the European Commission confirmed that the work of autonomous shuttles is a subgroup of the motor vehicle working group, and that the current work of the Commission was to achieve a European approach. He invited GRSG experts to participate in the ongoing work on autonomous shuttles in the Commission, and emphasized the importance of contributions from GRSG experts in the ongoing work.

GRSG-123-14 Experiences and results of bus crash investigation - Stockholm (STA)
GRSP-70-02 Status Report of the Informal Working Group on Safer Transport of Children in Buses and Coaches (Spain)