Working Party on Noise and Tyres | Session 75 | 8-11 Feb 2022
Agenda Item 11.
Other business.
GRBP-74-18 (DETA): Proposal to improve the use of the Unique Identifier (UI)
GRBP-75-14 UN R109: Proposal for amendments to the 01 series of amendments (BIPAVER, France, and Netherlands)
GRBP-75-15 Whole Life Compliance: Proposal for a Framework document
GRBP-75-39/Rev.1 TF Tyres Abrasion (TF TA) - terms of reference (EC and France)
GRBP-75-43/Rev.1 GRBP: Draft list of main decisions from the 75th (February 2022) session
WP.29/2021/148 Proposal for a Framework Document on Vehicle Whole-Life Compliance