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WP.29 Discussion Topic
WP.29 has requested its subsidiary working parties (GR) to review current regulations for issues that may arise in their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems. This topic covers the activities across the working parties.
(Latest posted on 28 Jun 2024)
| Upcoming | | | |
5-7 Sep 2022 GRBP | Session 76
12 Sep-12 Aug 2022 AVRS | Session 1
26-30 Sep 2022 GRVA | Session 14
7 Oct 2022 FADS | Session 1
7 Oct 2022 AVRS | Session 2
11-14 Oct 2022 GRSG | Session 124
17 Oct 2022 AVSR | Session 8
21 Oct 2022 FADS | Session 2
25-28 Oct 2022 GRE | Session 87
14-16 Nov 2022 WP.29 | Session 188
14 Nov 2022 FADS | Session 3
24 Nov 2022 GRSP-TF-AVRS | Session 1
5-9 Dec 2022 GRSP | Session 72
7 Dec 2022 SIG-AVRS | Session 1
14 Dec 2022 AVRS | Session 3
20 Dec 2022 FADS | Session 4