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(Latest posted on 3 Feb 2025)
UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 1 | Corrigendum 1 (2013)
26 Mar 2013 2013-03-27 19:42:30 UTC 3 1 1 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 | Corrigendum 1 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2012/117

Proposal from the Forum secretariat to correct Revision 3 of the Regulation, aligning the English and French texts to the Russian version.

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 3 (2017)
22 Feb 2017 2017-05-31 17:48:16 UTC 3 3 02 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2016/58

Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of replacement brake discs for L-category (motorcycle and related) vehicles, to remove tables specifying general values for replacement discs and drums that are identical to the original, change the maximum permitted thickness variation of discs for medium and heavy vehicles from 0.030 mm to 0.040 mm, and clarify the text in order to avoid additional administrative and financial costs to the applicant due to misinterpretation of the intent of the text.

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 4 (2018)
2 Nov 2018 2019-03-21 15:31:27 UTC 3 4 02 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2018/12

Proposal to expand the scope of UN R90 to include requirements for the approval of replacement brake lining assemblies for L-category vehicles.

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 5 (2020)
20 Jan 2020 2020-03-02 17:52:57 UTC 3 5 02 series of amendments | Supplement 5 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2020/8

Proposal to align approval numbers and markings under UN R90 with Schedule 4 of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement. Please note that WP.29 adopted document WP.29/2019/47 as Supplement 5 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R90 during its June 2019 session. Therefore, this proposal (if adopted) would be Supplement 6.

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 6 (2020)
2 Nov 2020 2021-01-04 07:35:50 UTC 3 6 02 series of amendments | Supplement 6
UN R90 | Revision 3 (2012)
17 Feb 2012 2012-03-26 07:28:47 UTC 3 01 series of amendments | Supplement 11 Corrigendum 1 to Revision 2 02 series of amendments Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2011/6

Proposal to introduce minimum performance standards for replacement brake discs and drums for vehicles of categories M, N and O.

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 1 (2012)
6 Dec 2012 2013-01-27 14:33:12 UTC 3 1 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2012/4

This proposal to establish a “bedding in” procedure was adopted at the March 2012 WP.29 session as amended by paragraph 64 of the session report. (Click the meeting link to access the report.)

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Amendment 2 (2015)
3 Feb 2015 2015-02-08 15:25:55 UTC 3 2 02 series of amendments | Supplement 2 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2014/49

Proposal to improve the definition of “identical” parts as applied to replacement brake discs and drums and to introduce an “identical” part definition for brake linings. This proposal simplifies the approval process and was adopted by the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) at its 67th session as amended by Annex IV of the session report and based on a proposal by OICA, CLEPA and FEMFM (document GRRF/2014/9 ).

UN R90 | Revision 3 | Corrigendum 1 (2013)
13 Feb 2013 2013-02-19 14:49:51 UTC 3 1 Corrigendum 1 to Revision 3
Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.