Editing report
Working Party on Noise and Tyres | Session 71 | 28-31 Jan 2020
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Session Report Extract

19. On behalf of the Group Of Interested Experts on snow tyre provisions (GOIE), the expert from Germany reported on their progress (GRBP-71-20). In particular, he proposed establishing a new task force on studded tyres with the objective to draft a new UN Regulation on the approval of studded tyres regarding their snow performance. GRBP endorsed this proposal and noted that the duties of the Chair and Secretary of the task force would be performed by the experts from Finland and ETRTO, respectively.

20. With additional explanations of GOIE (GRBP-71-26), GRBP resumed discussion on the new class of special use tyres intended for use under severe snow conditions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2019/14). GRBP noted that the proposed new class would provide for better road safety characteristics under severe snow conditions, but with a small increase in the rolling noise. The experts from Germany, Netherlands and Russian Federation supported the proposal. The expert from EC was not in position to agree to the proposal, due to the envisaged higher noise limits which would require modifications of European Union legislation. GRBP decided to revert to this issue at the next session.

| UN R51 : Task Force Measurement Uncertainties (TF MU) guidelines to the objectives and rules of procedure
| UN R117: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments