UN R78 | 01 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
UN R78 | 01 series of amendments
UN R78 | 02 series of amendments
UN R78 | 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R78 | 02 series of amendments | Supplement 2
UN R78 | 02 series of amendments | Supplement 3
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments | Corrigendum 2
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments | Supplement 2
WP.29/2015/9: Proposal as approved by the GRRF to clarify provisions on the use of Combined Braking Systems (CBS) and make some additional editorial improvements.
Discussion from 165th WP.29 session (10-13
Mar 2015)
57. Agenda item 4.7.4, Regulation No. 78, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/9, correct to read:
Paragraph 5.1.9., correct the wording “brake a common” to read “brake, a common”.
Annex 3, paragraphs 4.2.(c), 5.2.(c) and 9.3.1.(c), correct the wording "single control" to read "single brake control".
UN R78 | 03 series of amendments | Supplement 3
WP.29/2016/56: Proposal to include three-wheeled category L vehicles within the scope of ABS testing, to align UN R78 with the provisions for anti-lock braking systems used in other regulations, including specific exemptions for certain off-road vehicles as incorporated in UN Regulation No. 13, and to allow for Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) systems on motorcycles and related vehicles. The proposal also clarifies the limits on the use of any temporary ABS deactivation switch and prohibition against permanent disabling of ABS if fitted on a motorcycle. With 36 of the 44 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2016/56, Amended per the session report, by a vote of 36 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 169th WP.29 session (21-24
Jun 2016)
59. Agenda item 4.9.8, Regulation No. 78, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/56, amend to read:
Page 3, the proposed insertion of a new paragraph 5.1.16, shall be deleted.
Page 4, the proposed amendment to paragraph 9, shall be deleted.
Discussion from 169th WP.29 session (21-24
Jun 2016)
59. Agenda item 4.9.8, Regulation No. 78, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/56, amend to read:
Page 3, the proposed insertion of a new paragraph 5.1.16, shall be deleted.
Page 4, the proposed amendment to paragraph 9, shall be deleted.
03 series of amendments
| Supplement 4
WP.29/2022/49: Proposal to introduce references to the new American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493. With 35 of the 48 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2022/49 by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R78 | 04 series of amendments
WP.29/2016/114: Proposal to align the text with the provisions for anti-lock braking systems used in other regulations, including specific exemptions for certain off-road vehicles as incorporated in UN Regulation No. 13. The proposal clarifies the limits on the use of any temporary ABS deactivation switch and prohibition against permanent disabling of ABS if fitted on a motorcycle.
Discussion from 170th WP.29 session (15-18
Nov 2016)
23. As agreed at the previous session, GRRF reviewed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/114 proposing a new series of amendments to Regulation No. 78 (submitted to WP.29 and AC.1 for review and vote at their coming sessions). The expert from IMMA introduced GRRF-82-06-Rev.1, proposing three minor corrections. GRRF reconfirmed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/114, adopted the editorial corrections, as reproduced in Annex III and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1, as an informal document amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/114 at their November 2016 sessions.
82. The World Forum considered the draft proposal for amendments to existing Regulations under agenda item 4.13.1 and recommended its submission to AC.1 for voting subject to the amendments below:
83. Agenda item 4.13.1, in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/114, new paragraph 5.1.16, items (e) and (f), amend to read:
New paragraph 5.1.16, item (e) and (f), amend to read:
“(e) The disablement of the antilock brake system function shall be indicated by the activation of symbol B.18 as specified in ISO 2575:2010 (ISO 7000-2623) or any other equivalent unequivocal indication of the disabled antilock brake system state. Alternatively, the warning lamp referred to in paragraph 5.1.13. shall be continuously activated (i.e. lit or flashing); and
(f) Prohibition of any software and/or hardware defeat device compromising or allowing to circumnavigate one or more of the requirements set out in points (a) to (e); and"
UN R78 | 04 series of amendments | Supplement 1
WP.29/2019/46: Proposal to introduce provisions relevant to the activation of stop lamps under more conditions than application of the service brake only, e.g. also by regenerative braking. With 35 of the 47 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2019/46 by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 178th WP.29 session (24-28
Jun 2019)
88. The Chair of GRVA presented the amendment proposal in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/46 under agenda item 4.8.1, to amend UN Regulation No. 78. The World Forum recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting. The representative of IMMA recalled the associated GRE proposal for UN Regulation No. 53 that allows the use of different stop lamp activation methods (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2018/29). WP.29 noted that the GRE proposal would be submitted to the November 2019 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
04 series of amendments
| Supplement 2
WP.29/2022/48: Proposal to introduce references to the new American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493. With 35 of the 48 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2022/48 by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R78 | 05 series of amendments
WP.29/2020/65: Proposal to harmonise the requirements of UN R78 with the latest amendments to UN GTR No. 3 adopted by GRVA at its fourth session. Paragraph 5.1.18 aims to clarify with an explicit article that the rider is duly informed when activating a riding mode that disables the ABS on the rear axle. With 39 of the 48 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2020/65 by a vote of 39 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
05 series of amendments
| Supplement 1
WP.29/2022/13: Proposal to align UN R78 with the latest amendments to UN R13-H regarding the deceleration thresholds for the activation of the stop lamp(s) under regenerative braking and to introduce a reference to the new American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493. With 35 of the 48 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2022/13 by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
05 series of amendments
| Supplement 2
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2023/10: Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
06 series of amendments
WP.29/2023/67: Proposal to introduce new requirements for Complex Electronic Control Systems (in line with the corresponding provisions for passenger cars in UN Regulation No. 13-H) and to highlight the approval number and marking provisions pursuant to the series of amendments. With 32 of the 50 Contracting Parties applying UN R78 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2023/67 by a vote of 32 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
06 series of amendments
| Supplement 1
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2024/60: Proposal to correct a misalignment between the transitional provisions for the new 06 series of amendments to UN R78 and the General Guidelines for Transitional Provisions in UN Regulations.
06 series of amendments
| Supplement 2
(Formal GR review)
GRVA/2024/21: Proposal to introduce specific deceleration requirements for the Speed Electronically Power Assisted Cycles belonging to the Category L in UN R78.