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(Latest 4 August 2017)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal |

The deadline for the submission of official working documents to this session is 13 March 2017.


1. The Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) held its seventy-fifth session from 6 to 9 June 2017, with Mr. A. Rijnders (Netherlands) as Chair. Experts from the following countries participated in the work following Rule 1(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690, as amended): Australia, Austria; Canada; China; Czech Republic; France; Germany; Hungary; India; Italy; Japan; Netherlands; Poland; Republic of Korea (Korea); Russian Federation; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) and the United States of America. Experts from the European Commission (EC) also participated. Experts from the following non-governmental organizations took part in the session: Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst (AECC); European Association of Automobile Suppliers (CLEPA/MEMA/JAPIA); European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E); European Garage Equipment Association (EGEA); International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV/NGV Global); International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA); International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA); International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) and The European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers (EUROMOT).

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. GRPE adopted the provisional agenda of its seventy-fifth session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/8 and Add.1), as updated and consolidated in GRPE-75-21, including the informal documents tabled for the session. GRPE took note of GRPE-75-01 on the organization of GRPE Informal Working Group (IWG) meetings held during the week.

GRPE-75-01 | Informal meetings in conjunction with the GRPE (proper) session: schedule and rooms Time and place for meetings of informal groups under GRPE oversight to be held during the 75th GRPE session.
GRPE-75-21 | Updated provisional agenda for the 75th GRPE session
GRPE/2017/8 | Provisional agenda for the 75th GRPE session
GRPE/2017/8/Add.1 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 75th GRPE session

3. The informal documents distributed during the GRPE session are listed in Annex I of the session report. Annex II contains a list of the informal meetings held in conjunction with the GRPE session. Annex III lists GRPE IWGs, task forces and subgroups, giving details on their Chairs, Secretaries and the end of mandates.

4. The secretariat introduced GRPE-75-04, announcing that the next GRPE session would take place on 9-12 January 2018 and recalling the corresponding deadline (9 October 2017) for the submission of official documents. The Chairs and Secretaries of IWGs were invited to approach the secretariat to define the calendar of meetings of IWGs for the January 2018 GRPE session.

GRPE-75-04 | General information for the 75th GRPE session
2. Report on the last session of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)

5. The secretariat introduced GRPE-75-05 and reported on relevant GRPE items discussed during the 171st session of the World Forum. For more details, see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1129.

GRPE-75-05 | WP.29 March 2017 session highlights for the 75th GRPE session
3. (a) Light vehicles: Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101 and 103

6. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101 and 103.

3. (b) Light vehicles: Global Technical Regulation No. 15 on Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)

7. The Chair of the IWG on the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) reported on the ongoing Phase 2 activities under each of the task forces (GRPE-75-20). He anticipated that the IWG on WLTP may need some additional time to finalize all Phase 2 activities due to the complex and heavy workload to be carried out; he mentioned that GRPE will be informed accordingly in the following sessions. He requested guidance from GRPE on the preferred approach for WLTP construction either in a single UN global technical regulation (GTR) or separate GTRs.

8. The experts from EC and India expressed their preference to use separate GTRs in order to give more flexibility to Contracting Parties to the 1998 Agreement when transposing into national/regional legislation.

9. GRPE agreed on the general principle to have several GTRs in the framework of WLTP so that the 1998 Agreement is more attractive, and to then attempt to combine those GTRs when WLTP is transposed into Regulations under the 1958 Agreement.

GRPE-75-20 | Status report of the WLTP informal group

10. The drafting coordinator of the IWG on WLTP presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/9 on amendments to GTR No. 15 on WLTP. He also presented GRPE-75-22 introducing some changes to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/9 and he referred to GRPE-75-23 as a consolidated version of both documents. He introduced GRPE-75-07 as technical report on the development of such amendments to GTR No. 15.

11. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/9 as amended by Annex IV to the session report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) for consideration and vote at their November 2017 sessions as draft Amendment 3 to GTR No. 15 on WLTP. GRPE also adopted the technical report (GRPE-75-07) as reproduced in Annex V to this report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration and vote at their November 2017 sessions.

GRPE-75-07 | Technical report on the development of Amendment 3 to global technical regulation No. 15 Report on the development of Amendment 3 to GTR 15 on light vehicle emissions. The amendment aims to:<ol class='alpha'><li>clarify phase, cycle and vehicle class terminology to enable interpolation between different levels of downscaling, cycle classes and speed caps (resulting in modifications to WLTC cycle phases and time/speed tables),</li><li>improve the gear shifting procedures, including changes to gear selection and shift point determination for vehicles equipped with manual transmissions,</li><li>define the possible and permissible combinations of test vehicle selection and family requirements,</li><li>define the calculation of the average test mass during road load determination,</li><li>define single and double roller dynamometers, and</li><li>make editorial improvements.</li></ol>
GRPE-75-22 | Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/9 Proposal from the WLTP informal group for amendments to the formal proposal for Amendment 3 to GTR No. 15.
GRPE-75-23 | Consolidated revised proposal for Amendment 3 to global technical regulation No. 15 Updated proposal from the WLTP informal group incorporating GRPE/2017/9 and GRPE-75-22. Marked up versions of this revised document are available in <a href="" target="_blank">pdf format</a> and in <a href="" target="_blank">docx format</a>.
GRPE/2017/9 | Proposal for Amendment 3 to global technical regulation No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)) This proposal is also available in versions with tracked changes: <a href="" target="_blank">portable document format (.pdf)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Microsoft word format (.docx)</a>.

12. As leader of the task force on evaporative emissions, the expert from Japan introduced GRPE-75-16 on a first draft of amendments to the new GTR on evaporative emission test procedure for WLTP (WLTP EVAP). She expressed the intention of the IWG on WLTP to continue working on the proposal to submit an official document together with a technical report for consideration at the next GRPE session in January 2018.

GRPE-75-16 | Draft Amendment 1 to the UN GTR on WLTP EVAP Draft revision of global technical regulation on the Evaporative emissions test procedure for the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP EVAP) from the WLTP informal group.

13. As leader of the task force on the transposition of WLTP into the 1958 Agreement, the expert from EC presented GRPE-75-18 on an alternative transposition route. He explained that the idea of a new Regulation on WLTP (Type 1 and Type 4 tests) including regional levels and the most stringent level (Level 2, which would be the only one subject to mutual recognition) remained the same as agreed in the past. He proposed to change the original plan to develop a second new Regulation for other tests beyond Types 1 and 4 and to use existing Regulation No. 83 instead. He expressed the task force’s intention to do it through a new series of amendments (08) that would adapt Regulation No. 83 to the European requirements (e.g. Real Driving Emissions (RDE)) and that would refer to the new Regulation on WLTP to gain approval for tests Types 1 and 4. He emphasized that in this way Regulation No. 83 would stay alive and no Contracting Parties would have to cease applying it. He mentioned some ongoing discussions regarding In Service Conformity (ISC) and the scope of the 1958 Agreement.

14. The expert from OICA expressed his positive opinion on the solution found and encouraged GRPE to start thinking of how to deal with CO2 emissions and energy consumption and of whether Regulations Nos. 83 and 101 should be kept separate or should be combined in line with the WLTP approach. Following a question by the expert from India on the possibility to include RDE in WLTP, he preferred to get an opinion from OICA and to consider first the challenges to harmonize RDE taking into account the sensitivity between authorities.

15. GRPE endorsed the new transposition route as proposed in GRPE-75-18 and agreed to resume discussion at its next session on the basis of the work carried out by the task force. The Chair of GRPE expressed his intention to seek the consent of WP.29 on this proposed route at its forthcoming session in June 2017.

GRPE-75-18 | Status of the transposition of GTR No. 15 into UN Regulations for light vehicle emissions

16. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on WLTP and noted the request for a meeting room for one day during the GRPE week in January 2018.

4. (a) Heavy-duty vehicles: Regulations Nos. 49 and 132

17. The expert from OICA presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/6 on a proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 in order to align it with the current state of the legislation of the European Union (EU). He recalled that ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/6 had already been tabled at the last GRPE session. He also presented GRPE-75-26 and GRPE-75-27 introducing some changes to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/6. He explained that GRPE-75-26 aimed to fix the generally non-feasible urban window requirement to ensure the feasibility of the Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) test and that GRPE-75-27 intended to introduce missing On-Board Diagnostic systems (OBD) requirements.

18. The expert from Japan made a general comment on differences between traffic situations and he underlined the necessity to further discuss this topic. The expert from EC expressed his readiness to open discussions in the case that Japan would decide to become a Contracting Party to Regulation No. 49 in the future.

19. The expert from IANGV/NGV Global expressed his support to the proposals presented by OICA as GRPE-75-27 was fixing some concerns about the testing methodology.

20. The expert from OICA recalled GRPE-74-08 presented last session and aimed at correcting editorial errors in the 05 and 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49. He requested GRPE to consider the possibility to include GRPE-74-08 as part of the package to be voted of amendments to Regulation No. 49 at this session.

21. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/6 amended by GRPE-74-08, GRPE-75-26 and GRPE-75-27 as reproduced in Addendum 1 to this report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) for consideration and vote at their November 2017 sessions as draft Supplement 5 to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49.

22. GRPE also adopted GRPE-74-08 as reproduced in Annex VI and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their November 2017 sessions as draft Supplement 9 to the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49.

GRPE-74-08 | Proposal for a new Supplement to the 05 and 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 Proposal to correct and clarify the text, including to<ol class="alpha"><li>correct the constants for equation (34) to calculate exhaust mass flow using carbon balance method,</li><li>correct constants used for CVS verification,</li><li>correct the formula for regression analysis according to Annex 4, Appendix 3, and</li><li>correct the rise time (to 3.5 s from 2.5 s) for the PEM analyzers under paragraph A.2.2.1. of the 06 series.</li></ol>With regard to the 06 series, the proposal may be considered as an amendment to document GRPE/2017/6.
GRPE-74-09 | Proposal for amendments to document GRPE/2017/6 on a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 Comprehensive amendment of document GRPE/2017/6 to align UN R49 with the latest amendments of EU Euro VI legislation (Reg. EU 2016/1718), including<ol class="alpha"><li>OBD equivalency option for light commercial vehicles to be continued with step ‘D’,</li><li>editorial corrections (incl. keeping optional THC PEMS measurement for gas engines),</li><li>implementation dates in Appendix 9 table 1 (2016/1718) and Annex 3 table 1 (R49),</li><li>implement rejection note for retroactive applicability with regard to in-service conformity (paragraph 13.4.),</li></li>clarification of type approval provisions for ‘new vehicle types as of 2017’,</li><li>deletion of infeasible requirement related to the PEMS test (“…void if … no valid windows left in urban only”), second part of sentence in Annex 8, Appendix 1: A1.</li><li>deletion of inconsistency between work based window and CO2 mass based method regarding valid integration windows (A. versus A.</li></ol>
GRPE-75-26 | Proposal for amendments to document GRPE/2017/6 on a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 Amendments from OICA to the proposal to introduce provisions to align UN R49 with recently introduced stage D EU legislation in order enable manufacturers to continue to utilize the provisions in paragraph 4 of Annex 9A to approve light commercial vehicles with a light duty OBD architecture under this regulation.
GRPE-75-27 | Proposal for amendments to document GRPE/2017/6 on a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 OICA proposal to include the alignment of the amendment of EU Euro VI legislation (Reg. EU 2014/133) into the Regulation No. 49 which has not been covered before. Reg. EU 2014/133 corrects applicability of OBD threshold levels (OTLs) to all types of vehicles covered by the regulation by removing the reference to vehicle classes and weights.
GRPE/2017/6 | Proposal for a new Supplement to the 06 series of amendments to Regulation No. 49 Proposal to introduce provisions to align UN R49 with recently introduced stage D EU legislation in order enable manufacturers to continue to utilize the provisions in paragraph 4 of Annex 9A to approve light commercial vehicles with a light duty OBD architecture under this regulation. This proposal incorporates all of the provisions of the latest amendment to EU legislation. As stage D is unrelated to OBD, the proposal is to make stage C and all subsequent stages equivalent to EOBD 6-2.
GRPE/75/Add.1 | Adopted amendments to Regulation No. 49 (Addendum to the GRPE 75th session report) Amendments as approved by the GRPE for submission to the World Forum for adoption.

23. The expert from Switzerland presented GRPE-75-06 on manipulations on EURO V and VI trucks by aftermarket suppression of AdBlue injection. He explained that the Swiss Authorities had decided to act after some previous cases in other countries and that suspect vehicles had been immobilized and inspected. He mentioned that 100 manipulated vehicles had been discovered nationwide since February 2017. He underlined that only manipulated EURO V vehicles had been identified and no manipulated EURO VI vehicles had been detected so far due to the lack of access to the emission control software. He invited Contracting Parties to address the five questions listed in GRPE-75-06 in order to exchange information on manipulation detection methods and enforcement strategies. Following a question raised by the expert from Italy, he clarified that the registration documents of the manipulated trucks had not yet been used to contact corresponding authorities.

24. The expert from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) expressed his readiness to share with GRPE a study prepared by his organization on this topic including information on used devices and geographical spread.

25. The experts from Austria, Canada, France, Sweden and UK reported similar concerns and investigations in their respective countries and showed their interest to exchange views on this subject.

26. The Chair of GRPE invited all stakeholders to keep on sharing information on this important issue. He also invited the expert from Switzerland to bring this topic to WP.29 and to present an updated report at the next GRPE session in January 2018.

GRPE-75-06 | Manipulations on EURO V and VI trucks by suppression of AdBlue injection: Status report from Swiss heavy-duty truck controls Swiss report on circumvention of pollution-control systems through the use of aftermarket AdBlue emulators that stop AdBlue injection while preventing detection of the failure by the engine management system.
4. (b) Heavy-duty vehicles: Global Technical Regulations Nos. 4, 5 and 10

27. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend GTRs Nos. 4, 5 and 10.

5. Regulations Nos. 85, 115, 133 and 143

28. The expert from OICA presented GRPE-75-12 to correct an error identified in a formula in Regulation No. 85.

29. The expert from UK presented GRPE-75-13 on the need to clarify the wording of the determination of the net power for electric motors in Regulation No. 85 and he recommended a possible solution.

30. The Chair of GRPE invited the experts from OICA and UK to combine both proposals and to submit an official working document for consideration at the next GRPE session in January 2018.

GRPE-75-12 | Proposal for Supplement 8 to the original version of Regulation No. 85 Proposal to correct an error in the formula presented in paragraph 5.4.2. Diesel engines - Factor <i>αd</i>. The parameter "f<sub>m</sub>" in the equation should be a superscript (e.g., meaning "to the power of f<sub>m</sub>"). Through a transcription error, this factor was rendered in normal text.
GRPE-75-13 | Effects of Thermal Loading on the Determination of Net Power for Electric Motors
6. (a) Agricultural and forestry tractors, non-road mobile machinery: Regulations Nos. 96 and 120

31. The expert from EC reminded GRPE about the need to align Regulation No. 96 with the new EU Regulation (2016/1628) on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) engines (GRPE-75-09). He presented GRPE-75-10 to introduce a first draft of the 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 96 available as GRPE-75-11. He explained that GRPE-75-11 contained technical aspects, but not yet administrative procedures. He expressed his intention to submit an updated proposal as an official document for the GRPE January 2018 session. He expressed his intention to present a first draft of amendments to Regulations Nos. 120 and 132 at the next GRPE session to also align both Regulations with the new EU Regulation. He invited all stakeholders to provide comments and suggestions on GRPE-75-11 using the form available in GRPE-75-25. The experts from Italy and EUROMOT expressed their continued support to these activities.

32. GRPE agreed to resume discussion at the next GRPE session on the basis of forthcoming proposals.

GRPE-75-09 | Alignment of Regulation No. 96 to EU Stage V Presentation regarding the proposal for a 05 series of amendments to UN R96 to align the regulation with European Union emissions requirements for non-road mobile machinery.
GRPE-75-10 | Addendum to the proposal for a new 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 96 Supplementary information on the proposal to align UN R96 with Regulation (EU) 2016/162 concerning gaseous and particulate pollutant emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery.
GRPE-75-11 | Proposal for a 05 series of amendments to Regulation No. 96 Proposal of a consolidated revision of UN R96 to align the UN Regulation with Regulation (EU) 2016/162 concerning gaseous and particulate pollutant emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery.
GRPE-75-25 | European Commission request for comments on document GRPE-75-11 EC request for comments on the proposal for a 05 series of amendments to UN R96 to align the UN Regulation with Regulation (EU) 2016/162 concerning gaseous and particulate pollutant emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery.
6. (b) Agricultural and forestry tractors, non-road mobile machinery: Global Technical Regulation No. 11

33. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend GTR No. 11.

7. Particle Measurement Programme

34. The Chair of the IWG on Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) presented a status report on the activities of the group on exhaust and non-exhaust particle emissions (GRPE-75-17). He explained the scope and the suggested setup of the Round Robin test to assess differences and uncertainties in the measurement of exhaust particles with a size below 23 nanometre. He informed GRPE about the activities on raw exhaust sampling, Round Robin test for Particle Number Counter calibration, Horizon 2020 projects and gas engine testing. He mentioned some communications between the IWGs on PMP and WLTP on possible cooperation on low temperature testing. Regarding non-exhaust particle emissions, he focused on the three-step approach for the development of the methodology for brake wear particles measurement (braking test cycle representative of real-world conditions, methodology for sampling brake wear particles, methodology for brake wear particles measurement and characterization). He announced the group’s target to finalize the development of the braking test cycle by the end of 2017. He underlined that a brake dynamometer test rig appeared to be the best solution of the three sampling methods considered.

35. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on PMP and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2018.

GRPE-75-17 | Status report of the PMP informal group
8. (a) Motorcycles and mopeds: Regulations Nos. 40 and 47

36. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend Regulations Nos. 40 and 47.

8. (b) Motorcycles and mopeds: Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for L-category vehicles

37. The Chair of the IWG on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category vehicles (EPPR) presented a status report (GRPE-75-24) on the activities of the group. He mentioned that the first priority was the development of amendments to GTR No. 2. He explained that the progress was slower than anticipated due to regional differences so that a first draft was not yet ready for this session but planned to be submitted at the next GRPE session in January 2018. He sought guidance from GRPE on the temperature units to be used. He underlined that the work on On-Board Diagnostic systems (OBD) Stage II would begin in year 2018 after the work progress on amendments to GTR No. 2.

GRPE-75-24 | Status report of the EPPR informal group

38. The drafting coordinator of the IWG on WLTP highlighted the general use of °C in WLTP development with a few exceptions for specific equations in which Kelvin is required.

39. The Chair of GRPE advised to be in line with WLTP and recommended the general use of °C with the flexibility to use Kelvin when necessary. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on EPPR and noted the request for a meeting room for one day during the GRPE week in January 2018.

8. (c) Motorcycles and mopeds: Global Technical Regulation No. 2

40. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend GTR No. 2.

9. Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE)

41. The Chair of the IWG on Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE) presented a status report on the ongoing activities of the group (GRPE-75-28) under the three assigned areas of work. First, he explained the ongoing work on GTR development for the test procedure to determine power of electrified vehicles on the basis of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) method. He mentioned the priority given to the reference method, whereas a decision on whether to also develop the candidate method would be taken later. Second, he reported on the continuous research on battery durability and referred to activities from Canada and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) on battery life modelling. Third, he informed GRPE that the IWG on EVE had contacted the Chair and the Secretary of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (GEEE) to seek their partnership on the project to assess upstream emissions from electric vehicles. Finally, he underlined the regular interactions between EVE and WLTP IWGs to ensure that work would be complimentary and on time as well as to avoid duplication of efforts.

42. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on EVE and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2018.

GRPE-75-28 | Status report of the EVE informal group
10. Mutual Resolution No. 2

43. GRPE did not receive any new proposal to amend M.R.2.

11. International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)

44. In the absence of Mr. M. Robledo, the Chair of GRPE announced on his behalf his decision to resign as GRPE Ambassador on IWVTA after this GRPE session. He thanked Mr. M. Robledo for his efforts done within the last years and for preparing GRPE-75-08 for this session. He highlighted the relevance of the role of the GRPE Ambassador particularly at the moment when WLTP would be transposed into the 1958 Agreement and then be integrated as part of the new Regulation on IWVTA.

GRPE-75-08 | Report by the GRPE Ambassador on IWVTA Report with regard to UN Regulations under the purview of GRPE on the status of the program for an international whole vehicle type approval regulation.

45. In the absence of candidates from Contracting Parties, GRPE elected Mr. W. Coleman from OICA as the new GRPE Ambassador on IWVTA. The Chair of GRPE thanked Mr. Coleman for his commitment to take over this task.

46. GRPE noted that draft Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement was in the process of ratification (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1126, paras. 64 and 65) and that the date of entry into force of Revision 3 would be 14 September 2017. GRPE also noted that, at the June 2017 session of WP.29, delegates would consider the following documents on IWVTA:

  • revised general guidelines for UN Regulatory Procedures and Transitional Provisions in UN Regulations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/67),
  • a first draft text of Regulation No. 0 on IWVTA (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/104),
  • an explanatory document on Regulation No. 0 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/54), and
  • a question and answer document on Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/55).
Interested experts were invited to consult these documents.

12. Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ)

47. The Chair of the IWG on Vehicles Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) presented a status report on the ongoing activities of the group (GRPE-75-19). He recalled that the original mandate of the group would end in November 2017. He highlighted the conclusion of the work by the tabled proposal on a new Mutual Resolution on recommendations to harmonize test procedures of interior air emissions generated from interior materials (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/10). He presented GRPE-75-02-Rev.1 introducing some changes to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/10 and he referred to GRPE-75-03-Rev.1 as a consolidated version of both documents. He requested an extension of the mandate of the IWG on VIAQ until November 2020 to expand the work to consider not only emissions generated by interior materials but also gases from other sources that enter into the vehicle cabin. He introduced a first draft of the updated terms of reference and rules of procedure (GRPE-75-14) for this second stage of the work and expressed the group’s intention to submit a final version at the next GRPE session in January 2018. For this second stage of the work, he noted that the Russian Federation would chair the IWG, together with Korea as Vice-Chair and OICA for the Secretary. He explained that the endorsement by GRPE at this session of the extension of the mandate of the IWG on VIAQ would allow the group to continue working without any interruption between the end of the current mandate and the next GRPE session in January 2018. He invited all Contracting Parties to be involved in the new stage of work.

GRPE-75-02/Rev.1 | Proposal for amendments to GRPE/2017/10 on a new Mutual Resolution on VIAQ Submission from the Vehicle Interior Air Quality informal group to amend their proposal for a new Mutual Resolution.
GRPE-75-03/Rev.1 | Proposal for amendments to GRPE/2017/10 on a new Mutual Resolution on VIAQ (consolidated) Revised proposal for a new Mutual Resolution with guidelines for addressing vehicle interior air quality, incorporating the amendments proposed in document GRPE-75-02.
GRPE-75-14 | Draft terms of reference and rules of procedure for the Informal Working Group on VIAQ - Second stage Proposal to expand the work of the VIAQ informal group to include the assessment of exhaust gases inside the vehicle cabin.
GRPE-75-19 | Status report of the VIAQ informal group
GRPE/2017/10 | Proposal for a new Mutual Resolution (M.R.3) of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements concerning Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ)
GRPE/75/Add.2 | Adopted draft Mutual Resolution No. 3 (M.R.3) on Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) Mutual resolution as approved by the GRPE for submission to the World Forum for adoption. This resolution concerns guidelines for measuring emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior materials.

48. As Chair for the new stage of the IWG on VIAQ, the expert from the Russian Federation highlighted the existing standards on VIAQ in his country. He expressed the willingness to lead the activities of the new stage of the group.

49. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2017/10 amended by GRPE-75-02-Rev.1 as reproduced in Addendum 2 to this report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration at their November 2017 sessions as draft Mutual Resolution No. 3.

GRPE-75-02/Rev.1 | Proposal for amendments to GRPE/2017/10 on a new Mutual Resolution on VIAQ Submission from the Vehicle Interior Air Quality informal group to amend their proposal for a new Mutual Resolution.
GRPE/2017/10 | Proposal for a new Mutual Resolution (M.R.3) of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements concerning Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ)
GRPE/75/Add.2 | Adopted draft Mutual Resolution No. 3 (M.R.3) on Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) Mutual resolution as approved by the GRPE for submission to the World Forum for adoption. This resolution concerns guidelines for measuring emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior materials.

50. GRPE endorsed the extension of the mandate of the IWG on VIAQ until November 2020 subject to the final endorsement of WP.29 at its June 2017 session. GRPE noted that the IWG on VIAQ would submit the final version of the terms of reference and rules of procedure as an informal document, to be attached to the report in case of adoption, at the next GRPE session.

GRPE-75-14 | Draft terms of reference and rules of procedure for the Informal Working Group on VIAQ - Second stage Proposal to expand the work of the VIAQ informal group to include the assessment of exhaust gases inside the vehicle cabin.

51. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on VIAQ and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2018.

13. Exchange of information on emission requirements

52. The expert from Japan presented GRPE-75-15 on the future policy for motor vehicle emission reduction in his country. He gave an overview of the report to the Minister of the Environment by the Central Environment Council on 31 May 2017. In his presentation, he covered measures to reduce: (i) fuel evaporative emissions, (ii) Particulate Matter (PM) emissions from gasoline direct injection vehicles, and (iii) two-wheeled vehicle emissions. He also addressed future issues for discussion.

53. The Chair of GRPE welcomed the presentation and invited Contracting Parties to continue this exercise of exchange of information on emissions requirements in the next sessions.

GRPE-75-15 | Japan: Future Policy for Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction (Thirteenth Report)
14. Election of officers

54. In compliance with Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedures (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amends. 1 and 2) GRPE unanimously elected Mr. A. Rijnders (Netherlands) as Chair of GRPE for the sessions in the year 2018. No new Vice-Chair was elected in the absence of candidates.

15. Any other business

55. GRPE did not receive any information for this item.