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(Latest 16 June 2016)

1 Ms. M. Teles Romao Co-Chair/ European Commission
2 Mr. H. Inomata Acting Co-Chair/ Japan/ MLIT
3 Mr. Tim Guiting The Netherlands / RDW
4 Mr. Richard Damm Germany / BMVI
5 Mr. Sven Paeslack Germany / KBA
6 Mr. Sharulnizam B. Sarip Malaysia / RTD
7 Mr. Andrey Bocharov The Russian Federation / SATR-FUND
8 Ms. Veronica Ortiz Spain INTA
9 Mr. Robledo Martin Spain INTA
10 Mr. J.M.S. Aguilera Spain/ INTA
11 Mr. Mike Lowe UK/ Dft
12 Mr. W. Imamura Japan/ MLIT
13 Mr. Romain Hubert UNECE TD
14 Mr. Yves van der Straaten OICA/ Secretariat
15 Dr. Peter Schramm OICA/ Daimler
16 Mr. Rainhold Labza OICA/ Hyundai
17 Mr. Haldun Turan OICA/ Renault
18 Mr. Yoshiyuki Bessho OICA/ JAMA
19 Mr. Toshiharu Matsuoka OICA/ JAMA Europe
20 Mr. Takuji Takahashi OICA/ JAMA
21 Mr. L. Ballaux OICA/ Honda
22 Mr. D. Mennesson OICA/ PSA
23 Mr. James Abraham OICA/ Ford
24 Mr. Louis-Sylvain Ayral CLEPA
25 Mr. Takashi Naono Japan/ JASIC Geneva
26 Mr. Michio Miyamoto Japan/ JASIC
27 Mr. Ushio Ueno Japan/ JASIC
28 Mr. Ryuzo Oshita Japan/ JASIC, Technical Secretary

1. Adoption of the agenda

The provisional agenda was adopted without any modification.

IWVTA-21-02 | Provisional agenda for the 21st IWVTA informal group session
2. Approval of the report of the previous session

The report of the 20th IWVTA Informal Group meeting (doc. No.IWVTA-21-01) was adopted without any modification.

IWVTA-21-01 | Draft report of the 20th IWVTA informal group session
3. Report from Sub-group “1958 Agreement”

Refer to document SG58-21-01 “Major results and Action items of the 20th SG58 meeting” for details.

SG58-21-01 | Major results and action items of the 20th IWVTA SG58 subgroup session
4. Report from Sub-group “UN R0”

Refer to document SGR0-21-01 “Major results and Action items of the 20th SGR0 meeting” for details.

SGR0-21-01 | Major results and action items of the 20th IWVTA SGR0 subgroup session
5. Preparation of report to the 169th WP.29 session

IWVTA Informal Group agreed to report on the following items to the 169th WP.29 session.

  • Consolidated General guidelines for UN Regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
  • Draft Q&A document on Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
  • Major results of UN R0 pretesting and their reflection in draft UN R0
  • Updated Q&A document on UN R0 and IWVTA
  • Updated UN Regulation applicable to IWVTA
  • Working schedule, other

Refer to document WP.29-169-11 “Report to 169th WP.29 session from 21st IWVTA Informal Group meeting” for details.

WP.29-169-11 | Report to 169th WP.29 session from the 21st IWVTA Informal Group meeting
6. Things-to-do list

It is noted that comments are invited at any time on this live document IWVTA-21-03.

IWVTA-21-03 | IWVTA informal working group "To Do List" under Step 1
7. Working schedule

Working schedule agreed by IWVTA Informal Group was attached to document WP.29-169-11 “Report to 169th WP.29 session from 21th IWVTA IG meeting”.

8. Any other business

The future IWVTA Informal Group meetings;
- 21st SGR0 meeting on September 14 (Wednesday) at JASIC in Tokyo
- 21st SG58 meeting on September 15 (Thursday) at JASIC in Tokyo
- 22nd SGR0 meeting on November 9 (Wednesday) at OICA in Paris
- 22nd SG58 meeting and 22nd IWVTA IG meeting on November 10 (Thursday) at OICA in Paris