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WebEx Teleconference
(Latest 10 September 2013)
1. Welcome
2. Roll call of experts
GTR9-07-02 | Draft minutes of the 7th GTR 9-Phase II informal group session
3. Adoption of the agenda
GTR9-07-01 | Draft agenda for the 7th GTR 9-Phase II informal group session
GTR9-07-03 | Draft running order of the provisional agenda for the 7th GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session
GTR9-07-01/Rev.1 | Final agenda for the 7th GTR 9-Phase II informal group session
4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
GTR9-06-02 | Draft minutes of the 6th GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session
GTR9-06-02/Rev.1 | Revised draft minutes of the 6th GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session Second draft of the meeting minutes.
GTR9-06-24 | Durability Study FlexPLI SN03 at Bertrandt Laboratory
GTR9-06-28 | Certification test results of the OEM legform used in document GTR9-6-20
5. Review of the status of the drawing package and manual
GTR9-07-04 | Information on GTR 9-related drawing packages Summary of pedestrian safety drawing packages as provided by Humanetics.
GTR9-05-31/Rev.1 | FlexPLI version GTR drawing package: revision (zip compressed file)
GTR9-07-05/Corr.1 | FlexPLI: Result of drawing review (surface level) Revised version of the document.
GTR9-07-06/Corr.1 | Result of the FlexPLI manual review Revised version of the earlier document.
GTR9-07-14 | Flex PLI: Detailed Review of Drawing Package and Itemized Check against Master Leg Impactor SN03
6. Testing activities with the FlexPLI
6.1. Information provided to BASt on master leg testing and from logbooks as well as from testing with other legforms
6.2. Definition of the flight conditions during the free flight before vehicle impact
GTR9-06-03 | FlexPLI Testing: Propelling Accuracy
GTR9-06-10 | FlexPLI Pre- and Post-Test Procedure
6.3. Exclusion of the FlexPLI rebound phase from the test result evaluation
GTR9-07-13 | FlexPLI Rebound Phase A comparison of tibia bending moment time histories has shown that the exaggerated secondary peak of the FlexPLI model relative to the human model may affect the maximum value for some specific vehicles.
GTR9-07-15 | BASt comments on document GTR9-07-13: JASIC position on FlexPLI rebound phase
GTR9-06-07 | Proposal for a Definition of the FlexPLI Biofidelic Assessment Interval (BAI)
GTR9-06-11 | Consideration of the rebound phase in GTR 9 FlexPLI test procedure
GTR9-06-21 | Proposal on FlexPLI measuring results and Flex-PLI requirements of GTR9-PH2 OICA updated proposal concerning FlexPLI test results and the measurement criteria appropriate for GTR 9-Phase 2 test procedures.
7. Discussion on injury criteria / impactor thresholds
7.1. Information on the different approaches to derive the injury criteria / impactor thresholds
GTR9-07-07 | FlexPLI: Injury probability function for tibia fracture and MCL failure
GTR9-07-08 | Flex-GTR Master Leg Development and Evaluation Development of the Flex-GTR Master Leg FE Model and Evaluation of the Validity of the Current Threshold Values against the Flex-GTR Master Leg
7.2. Definition of new impactor thresholds
GTR9-06-28 | Certification test results of the OEM legform used in document GTR9-6-20
GTR9-05-20 | FlexPLI prototype limits and application to serial production Verification of draft FlexPLI prototype impactor limits and their application to FlexPLI serial production level.
GTR9-06-20 | Discussion on Impactor Thresholds OICA response opposing the BASt proposal (document GTR9-5-20) to change the impactor thresholds for FlexPLI testing.
8. Review of activity list, work plan and identification of further open issues
GTR9-04-03/Rev.1 | GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group action list: Revision 1 Revised list pursuant to session 5.
GTR9-05-28 | Updated terms of reference for the work of the GTR 9-Phase II informal group Updated terms of reference as of the fifth GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session.
9. Review of action list
10. Any other business
11. Next meeting