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(Latest 9 December 2022)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal | Report |
1. Adoption of the agenda

In accordance with Chapter III, Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.2) of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), the first item on the provisional agenda is the adoption of the agenda.

GRVA-14-02 | GRVA-14: Updated consolidated provisional agenda
GRVA-14-02 | GRVA-14: Updated consolidated provisional agenda
GRVA/2022/15 | GRVA-14: Annotated provisional agenda for the September 2022 session
GRVA-14-01 | Running order and timetable
GRVA-14-02 | GRVA-14: Updated consolidated provisional agenda
2. Highlights of the June 2022 session of WP.29

GRVA may wish to be briefed by the secretariat on the highlights of the June 2022 session of WP.29, regarding the activities of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) and common issues.

GRVA-14-03 | GRVA-14: General information and WP.29 June 2022 session highlights
GRVA-14-03 | GRVA-14: General information and WP.29 June 2022 session highlights
GRVA-14-03 | GRVA-14: General information and WP.29 June 2022 session highlights
3. Artificial Intelligence in vehicles

GRVA agreed to further consider this agenda item and to continue the development of GRVA-13-04 until its September 2022 session.

GRVA-14-04/Rev.1 | Input on document GRVA-13-04 (Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations)
GRVA-14-04/Rev.1 | Input on document GRVA-13-04 (Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations)
GRVA-14-23 | Views on Artificial Intelligence
GRVA-14-23 | Views on Artificial Intelligence
GRVA-13-04 | Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations
GRVA-14-04/Rev.1 | Input on document GRVA-13-04 (Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations)
GRVA-14-23 | Views on Artificial Intelligence
GRVA-14-23 | Views on Artificial Intelligence
GRVA-14-04/Rev.1 | Input on document GRVA-13-04 (Outcome of the GRVA workshops on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations)
4. Automated/autonomous and connected vehicles
4. (a) Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the recent meeting(s) of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles (FRAV).

GRVA-14-35 | FRAV informal group status report to GRVA

GRVA may wish to review the draft amendment proposal to the Framework Document on Automated/Autonomous Vehicles (FDAV), detailing the envisaged milestones of FRAV for the extended mandate (until June 2024) and including a preview for the time beyond.

GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-35 | FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
WP.1-84-06 | Optical and/or audible signals in DAS and ADS vehicles
4. (b) Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the last meetings of the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD).

GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-45 | VMAD informal group status report to GRVA
WP.29/2022/58 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) Proposal submitted to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) for information at its June 2022 session, subject to confirmation by Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) at its May 2022 session.

GRVA may wish to review the draft amendment proposal to FDAV, detailing the envisaged milestones of VMAD for the extended mandate (until June 2024) and including a preview for the time beyond.

GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
WP.29/2022/58 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) Proposal submitted to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) for information at its June 2022 session, subject to confirmation by Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) at its May 2022 session.
GRVA-14-16 | Proposal for updates to the VMAD NATM master document Revised text based on document WP.29-187-08 submitted by the VMAD informal group.
GRVA-14-45 | VMAD informal group status report to GRVA
WP.29/2022/58 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) Proposal submitted to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) for information at its June 2022 session, subject to confirmation by Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) at its May 2022 session.
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance Guidance from GRVA regarding the review of WP.29 regulations for applicability to vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-35 | FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-36 | Taskforce on the Fitness of GRVA Regulations and GTRs for ADS
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
4. (c) Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Event Data Recorder / Data Storage System for Automated Driving

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the last meetings of the IWG on Event Data Recorder / Data Storage Systems for Automated Driving (EDR/DSSAD).

GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-39 | EDR/DSSAD informal group: Activities and deliverables
GRVA-14-40/Rev.1 | Inventory of best ADS storage practices Review of the existing national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD.
GRVA-14-40/Rev.1 | Inventory of best ADS storage practices Review of the existing national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.
WP.29/2022/59/Rev.1 | UN R157: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the maximum operational speed to 130 km/h, add lane-change and minimal risk manoeuvre provisions, responsiveness to emergency vehicles, and introduce data collection specifications.
WP.29/2022/59/Rev.1 | UN R157: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the maximum operational speed to 130 km/h, add lane-change and minimal risk manoeuvre provisions, responsiveness to emergency vehicles, and introduce data collection specifications.
GRVA-14-29 | National/Regional DSSAD requirements and need for harmonization
GRVA-14-39 | EDR/DSSAD informal group: Activities and deliverables
GRVA-14-40/Rev.1 | Inventory of best ADS storage practices Review of the existing national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD.
WP.29/2022/59/Rev.1 | UN R157: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the maximum operational speed to 130 km/h, add lane-change and minimal risk manoeuvre provisions, responsiveness to emergency vehicles, and introduce data collection specifications.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.
4. (d) UN Regulation No. 157

GRVA may wish to review a proposal for amendments to the DSSAD provisions in UN Regulation No. 157, prepared by the IWG on EDR/DSSAD.

GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the progress of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on UN Regulation No. 157.

GRVA-14-42 | UN R157 special interest group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.
GRVA/2022/16 | UN R157: Proposal to clarify DSSAD provisions Proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal group to clarify that the occurrence flag to be stored according to paragraph 8.2.1. (n) are linked to the abortion of the lane change manoeuvre rather than to the procedure and to make related clarifications for consistency.
GRVA-14-42 | UN R157 special interest group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
GRVA-14-43 | UN R157: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/16 Updated proposal from the UN R157 special interest group to revise provisions concerning DSSAD and data recording/storage.
4. (e) Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

GRVA may wish to discuss the work coordination between working parties concerning Automated Driving Systems.

GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance

GRVA may wish to discuss the coordination of work between GRVA and the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) on ADS light signal provisions, if any.

GRVA-14-15/Rev.3 | FRAV recommendations on AV external signalling Revised version of the FRAV recommendations as updated pursuant to GRVA discussions.
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance

GRVA may wished to be briefed by the expert from France on the progress made by the task force screening the UN Regulations and UN Global Technical Regulations (of relevance) regarding Automated Driving Systems.

GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance Guidance from GRVA regarding the review of WP.29 regulations for applicability to vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance

GRVA may wish to consider any other proposal, if available.

GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-15/Rev.3 | FRAV recommendations on AV external signalling Revised version of the FRAV recommendations as updated pursuant to GRVA discussions.
GRVA-14-36 | Taskforce on the Fitness of GRVA Regulations and GTRs for ADS
GRVA-14-31 | Views on regulatory activities related to Automated Driving
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
GRVA-14-44 | Exchanges between WP.1 and GRVA chair on 22 September 2022
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance Guidance from GRVA regarding the review of WP.29 regulations for applicability to vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
GRVA-14-51/Rev.2 | Proposal to update the WP.29 Automated Vehicles Framework Document Proposal from the GRVA secretariat to update informal group deliverables for 2023-2024 under the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.
WP.29/2021/151 | Automated Vehicles Framework Document: Proposal for updated Table 1
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance Guidance from GRVA regarding the review of WP.29 regulations for applicability to vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
GRVA-14-35 | FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-56 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs-Guidance
WP.1-84-06 | Optical and/or audible signals in DAS and ADS vehicles
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
4. (f) Other (ADS-related) business
GRVA-14-19 | Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment Test and Suggestions
GRVA-14-08 | Update on the development of ADS standards
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 | Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance Guidance from GRVA regarding the review of WP.29 regulations for applicability to vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
GRVA-14-53 | Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study
GRVA-14-35 | FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-41 | Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG Input concerning the review of existing UN Regulations and Global Technical Regulations with regard to their application to vehicles equipped with Automated Driving Systems.
WP.1-84-06 | Optical and/or audible signals in DAS and ADS vehicles
5. Connected vehicles
5. (a) Cyber security and data protection

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the recent meeting(s) of the IWG on Cybersecurity and Over-the-Air issues and their review of the proposed work item on the data security of intelligent and connected vehicles.

GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.

GRVA may wish to consider any roadmap proposal concerning the vehicle categories S, R and T with regard to UN Regulation No. 155, if available.

GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-33 | Cyber Security: Agricultural machinery industry roadmap
GRVA-14-33 | Cyber Security: Agricultural machinery industry roadmap
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.

GRVA agreed to consider the document tabled by the expert from SAE International, an amendment proposal to UN Regulation No. 155 seeking clarification of the requirements of Annex 5, regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.

GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-33 | Cyber Security: Agricultural machinery industry roadmap
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.

GRVA agreed to consider the document tabled by the expert from SAE International, an amendment proposal to the Interpretation Document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/61 (as amended by WP.29 in June 2022) for UN Regulation No. 155, seeking clarification of the requirements of paragraphs 5, 7 and 8 as well as of Annex 1 and 5.

GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the technical workshop on the implementation of Cyber Security provisions under the 1958 and especially 1998 Agreements, on the model of those already organized for the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155.

GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA-14-46 | UN R155: Questions and Answers/Comments derived from the Workshop on the implementation
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.
GRVA/2022/17 | UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement Proposal to clarify the mitigation provision to address threats of spoofing of messages (e.g. 802.11p V2X during platooning, GNSS messages, etc.) by impersonation.
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.
GRVA-14-06 | UN R155: Proposal for amendment to the interpretation document
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
GRVA-14-11 | UN R155: Comments on document GRVA-14-06 Comments on the proposal for amendments to the UN Regulation on Cyber Security Management.
GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
GRVA-14-33 | Cyber Security: Agricultural machinery industry roadmap
GRVA-14-46 | UN R155: Questions and Answers/Comments derived from the Workshop on the implementation
GRVA/2022/18 | UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the interpretation document Proposal to introduce amendments to references to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 and ISO PAS 5112 and clarify the interpretation of the requirement in the first line of Table B1 in Annex 5 in UN R155 regarding the authentication of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) messages.
GRVA-14-07 | UN R155: Summary of Vehicle Cyber Security Workshop with the contracting parties of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements
5. (b) Software updates and over-the-air issues

GRVA may wish to consider any proposal regarding software updates and over-the-air issues, if available.

GRVA-14-34 | UN R155 and R156: Roadmap for Category R, S, and T vehicles
5. (c) Data and vehicle communications

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of a revised proposal, tabled by the expert from CITA, for the establishment of a new informal working group on the remote access to in-vehicle data.

GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction
GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction

GRVA may wish to resume discussion on the challenges related to telecommunication coverage, latency and interference and more generally about vehicle communications.

GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction
GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction
GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction
GRVA-14-20 | Proposal for vehicle-to-vehicle data interaction
5. (d) Other business

GRVA may wish to consider any other proposal, if available.

6. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and UN Regulation No. 79
6. (a) Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

GRVA may wish to receive a status report of the Task Force on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), if any.

GRVA-14-18 | ADAS task force report to GRVA
GRVA-14-18 | ADAS task force report to GRVA
GRVA-14-18 | ADAS task force report to GRVA
6. (b) UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of pending amendment proposals to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment).

GRVA-14-24/Rev.1 | UN R79: Proposal for amendments Proposal to introduce new text concerning activation: "Notwithstanding the activation criteria above and following the activation request at any type of road by a deliberate action with the same means as for ACSF of Category B1, the ACSF of Category C may turn automatically to standby mode when entering a type of road as described above."
GRVA-14-24/Rev.1 | UN R79: Proposal for amendments Proposal to introduce new text concerning activation: "Notwithstanding the activation criteria above and following the activation request at any type of road by a deliberate action with the same means as for ACSF of Category B1, the ACSF of Category C may turn automatically to standby mode when entering a type of road as described above."
GRVA-14-25 | UN R79: ACSF C Amendment for HMI
GRVA-14-25 | UN R79: ACSF C Amendment for HMI
GRVA-14-25 | UN R79: ACSF C Amendment for HMI
GRVA/2021/10 | UN R79: Proposal for a supplement to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to allow up to seven seconds to start and perform a lane change.
GRVA-14-24/Rev.1 | UN R79: Proposal for amendments Proposal to introduce new text concerning activation: "Notwithstanding the activation criteria above and following the activation request at any type of road by a deliberate action with the same means as for ACSF of Category B1, the ACSF of Category C may turn automatically to standby mode when entering a type of road as described above."
GRVA-14-25 | UN R79: ACSF C Amendment for HMI
GRVA/2021/9 | UN R79: Proposal for a Supplement to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to<ol class="alpha"><li>Align lane-centering provisions with principles applied to UN R157 (ALKS)</li><li>Permit Category C ACSF to remain in stand-by during temporary roadway transitions</li><li>Clarify overriding provision (para. reference to stand-by mode</li><li>Introduce a tolerance factor for "critical situation" lane changes</li><li>clarification to test conditions</li><li>Align direction indicator deactivation under a pass conditions with previously adopted provisions.</li></ol>
GRVA/2021/10 | UN R79: Proposal for a supplement to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to allow up to seven seconds to start and perform a lane change.
6. (c) Other business

GRVA may wish to consider any other proposal, if available.

GRVA-14-14 | Proposal to start discussions on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE)
GRVA-14-14 | Proposal to start discussions on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE)
GRVA-14-14 | Proposal to start discussions on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE)
7. Advanced Emergency Braking Systems

GRVA agreed to consider the documents tabled by the expert from the European Commission, three amendment proposals to the 00, 01 and 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1), to align the performance requirements about technical progress with those of the latest series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS).

GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-21 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-28 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments Proposal to clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle”.
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.

GRVA agreed to consider the proposal for a Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS), tabled by the IWG on Advanced Emergency Braking System for Heavy Duty Vehicles (AEBS-HDV), introducing provisions on the system robustness and additional clarifications.

GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/22 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to align provisions with corresponding provisions of UN R152 and to clarify the interpretation of the provisions on system robustness when applied to heavy duty vehicles.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.

GRVA agreed to consider the document tabled by the IWG on AEBS-HDV, an amendment proposal to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 131, aimed to increase potential speed reduction during the warning phase.

GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.

GRVA may wish to consider a proposal for a new UN Regulation on Urban Emergency Braking System (UEBS), specifically for heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds and the protection of vulnerable road users. With this UN Regulation, the direct vision regulation under the purview of the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) could be amended so as to have different performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this UEBS.

GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-37 | Urban Emergency Braking Systems proposal: Supporting information
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/22 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to align provisions with corresponding provisions of UN R152 and to clarify the interpretation of the provisions on system robustness when applied to heavy duty vehicles.
GRVA/2022/23 | UN R131: Proposal for a Supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA-14-21 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-38 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 00, 01, and 02 series of amendments
GRVA-14-37 | Urban Emergency Braking Systems proposal: Supporting information
GRVA-14-26 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22
GRVA-14-28 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments Proposal to clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle”.
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-48 | UN R152: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/19 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions held during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-49 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/20 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-50 | UN R152: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/21 Document provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA-14-57 | UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to increase the potential speed reduction during the collision warning phase and clarify the interpretation of “engine start/run cycle” pursuant to GRVA discussions during the 14th session.
GRVA/2022/19 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the original text Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/21 | UN R152: Proposal for a Supplement to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA-14-10 | Comments on the proposal for a regulation on Urban Emergency Braking Systems (UEBS)
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA/2022/20 | UN R152: Proposal for a supplement to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to align UN R152 with recent amendments to UN R131.
GRVA/2022/24 | Proposal for a new UN Regulation for Urban Emergency Braking Systems Proposal for a new UN Regulation for the type approval of automatic emergency braking systems designed to protect vulnerable road users from collisions with heavy vehicles travelling at low speeds. The purpose is to enable a cross-reference in the new UN Regulation on commercial vehicle direct vision to allow for alternative solutions and performance criteria for vehicles equipped with this "urban emergency braking system" capability.
GRVA-14-47 | UN R131: Proposal for amendments to document GRVA/2022/22 Revised text provided by the GRVA secretariat pursuant to discussions during the 14th session.
8. UN Regulations Nos. 13, 13-H, 139, 140 and UN GTR No. 8
8. (a) Electronic Stability Control

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of the proposal to amend UN Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) No. 8, aimed at introducing the testing provisions to accommodate the latest innovations for steering systems.

GRVA/2022/14 | UN R13: Proposal for amendments Proposal to equip four-axle commercial vehicles over 25 tons with vehicle stability function due to their specific use.
WP.29/2020/99 | GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment Request to develop an amendment to the GTR 8 testing provisions to accommodate the latest innovations for steering systems which have significantly low steering gear ratio (i.e. quick steering characteristics).
WP.29/2020/99 | GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment Request to develop an amendment to the GTR 8 testing provisions to accommodate the latest innovations for steering systems which have significantly low steering gear ratio (i.e. quick steering characteristics).

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of the two alternative amendment proposals to UN Regulation No. 13, tabled by the experts from France and from the Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles (OICA), aimed at including all four axles with two power-driven rear axles in the scope of the mandatory installation of a vehicle stability function.

GRVA/2022/14 | UN R13: Proposal for amendments Proposal to equip four-axle commercial vehicles over 25 tons with vehicle stability function due to their specific use.
WP.29/2020/99 | GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment Request to develop an amendment to the GTR 8 testing provisions to accommodate the latest innovations for steering systems which have significantly low steering gear ratio (i.e. quick steering characteristics).
WP.29/2020/99 | GTR 8: Request for authorization to develop an amendment Request to develop an amendment to the GTR 8 testing provisions to accommodate the latest innovations for steering systems which have significantly low steering gear ratio (i.e. quick steering characteristics).
GRVA-13-23 | UN R13: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/14
GRVA-13-39 | UN R13: Proposal to amend document GRVA/2022/14 Proposal to ensure that N<sub>3</sub> category four-axle chassis, regardless of bodywork in second stage production (e.g., concrete mixer), will be included within the scope of the vehicle stability provisions.
GRVA-14-27 | UN R140: Proposal for amendments Proposal for a provision to address use of a steering robot with mechanical power greater than 1200 W to enable testing of certain direct (low) steering gear ratio systems due to the given 0.7 Hz sine frequency.
GRVA-14-30 | UN R140: Supporting information on proposal for amendments
GRVA/2022/14 | UN R13: Proposal for amendments Proposal to equip four-axle commercial vehicles over 25 tons with vehicle stability function due to their specific use.
GRVA-14-27 | UN R140: Proposal for amendments Proposal for a provision to address use of a steering robot with mechanical power greater than 1200 W to enable testing of certain direct (low) steering gear ratio systems due to the given 0.7 Hz sine frequency.
8. (b) Electromechanical Brakes

GRVA will be briefed on informal activities related to the development on an amendment to UN Regulation No. 13 concerning the approval of eletromechanical brakes.

GRVA-13-05 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of electromechanical braking systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-52 | UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro Mechanical Brakes
GRVA-14-52 | UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro Mechanical Brakes
GRVA/2020/21 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA/2020/21 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA/2021/24 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Introduces requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 and informal document GRVA-09-05.
GRVA/2021/24 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Introduces requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 and informal document GRVA-09-05.
GRVA/2022/8 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal by the expert from the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) to include provisions for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/24.
GRVA/2022/8 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal by the expert from the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) to include provisions for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/24.

GRVA will resume consideration of the proposal by the expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to upgrade Annex 18 of UN Regulation No. 13, considering the development of similar annexes in UN Regulations Nos. 79, 152 and 157 in the recent years.

GRVA-13-05 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of electromechanical braking systems.
GRVA-13-05 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of electromechanical braking systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-52 | UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro Mechanical Brakes
GRVA/2020/21 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA/2020/21 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA/2021/24 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Introduces requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 and informal document GRVA-09-05.
GRVA/2021/24 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Introduces requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 and informal document GRVA-09-05.
GRVA/2022/8 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal by the expert from the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) to include provisions for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/24.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-52 | UN Regulation No. 13 and Electro Mechanical Brakes
GRVA/2020/21 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 17 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA/2021/24 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Introduces requirements for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/21 and informal document GRVA-09-05.
GRVA/2022/8 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal by the expert from the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA) to include provisions for the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems as state-of-the-art braking systems. This document supersedes ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/24.
GRVA-13-05 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for the approval of electromechanical braking systems.
GRVA-14-12 | UN R13: Proposal for a supplement to the 12 series of amendments Proposal to introduce requirements to enable the type approval of Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) systems.
GRVA-14-32 | UN R13: Working draft for amendments At the 13th session of GRVA the UK presented an informal document (GRVA-13-19) with the purpose of starting discussion on the content of UN Regulation 13, Annex 18. The proposal was made in recognition of the inconsistent understanding of the current text, identified during the discussions leading to the 03 series of amendments to UN R79 which shared common language. It is intended that using harmonised text between Regulations, as far as is practicable, will deliver more consistent application of the requirements and avoid unnecessary changes in procedures and documentation for different vehicle systems.
8. (c) Clarifications

GRVA agreed to resume consideration of the amendment proposal to UN Regulation No. 140 prepared by the expert from OICA with the aim to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.

GRVA-14-13 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for electric regenerative braking systems.
GRVA-14-32 | UN R13: Working draft for amendments At the 13th session of GRVA the UK presented an informal document (GRVA-13-19) with the purpose of starting discussion on the content of UN Regulation 13, Annex 18. The proposal was made in recognition of the inconsistent understanding of the current text, identified during the discussions leading to the 03 series of amendments to UN R79 which shared common language. It is intended that using harmonised text between Regulations, as far as is practicable, will deliver more consistent application of the requirements and avoid unnecessary changes in procedures and documentation for different vehicle systems.
GRVA-14-55/Rev.1 | UN R13-H: Proposal for amendments to the original version Proposal to update the text with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F2493-20 standard reference test tyre.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.

GRVA may wish to review amendments to UN Regulations No. 13, 13-H, 139 or 140, if available.

GRVA-14-13 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for electric regenerative braking systems.
GRVA-14-32 | UN R13: Working draft for amendments At the 13th session of GRVA the UK presented an informal document (GRVA-13-19) with the purpose of starting discussion on the content of UN Regulation 13, Annex 18. The proposal was made in recognition of the inconsistent understanding of the current text, identified during the discussions leading to the 03 series of amendments to UN R79 which shared common language. It is intended that using harmonised text between Regulations, as far as is practicable, will deliver more consistent application of the requirements and avoid unnecessary changes in procedures and documentation for different vehicle systems.
GRVA-14-32 | UN R13: Working draft for amendments At the 13th session of GRVA the UK presented an informal document (GRVA-13-19) with the purpose of starting discussion on the content of UN Regulation 13, Annex 18. The proposal was made in recognition of the inconsistent understanding of the current text, identified during the discussions leading to the 03 series of amendments to UN R79 which shared common language. It is intended that using harmonised text between Regulations, as far as is practicable, will deliver more consistent application of the requirements and avoid unnecessary changes in procedures and documentation for different vehicle systems.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.
GRVA/2022/25 | UN R140: Proposal for amendment Proposal to ensure the continuity of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method E1337 for the measurement of the Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) in UN Regulation No. 140, by introducing a reference to the new ASTM Standard Reference Test Tyre F2493.
GRVA-14-32 | UN R13: Working draft for amendments At the 13th session of GRVA the UK presented an informal document (GRVA-13-19) with the purpose of starting discussion on the content of UN Regulation 13, Annex 18. The proposal was made in recognition of the inconsistent understanding of the current text, identified during the discussions leading to the 03 series of amendments to UN R79 which shared common language. It is intended that using harmonised text between Regulations, as far as is practicable, will deliver more consistent application of the requirements and avoid unnecessary changes in procedures and documentation for different vehicle systems.
GRVA-14-55/Rev.1 | UN R13-H: Proposal for amendments to the original version Proposal to update the text with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F2493-20 standard reference test tyre.
GRVA-14-13 | UN R13: Proposal for a Supplement to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for electric regenerative braking systems.
9. Motorcycle braking
9. (a) UN Global Technical Regulation No. 3

GRVA may wish to review proposals related to UN GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle brakes), if any.

9. (b) UN Regulation No. 78

GRVA may wish to review the proposal for a supplement to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle and Moped Braking) submitted by the expert from IMMA, with the aim to further align the stop lamp signal provisions in UN Regulation No. 78 with UN Regulation No. 13-H.

GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.

GRVA may wish to review any other proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 78 (Motorcycle and Moped Braking), if any.

GRVA-14-09 | UN R78: Proposal for a 06 series of amendments This informal document proposes amendments to UN R78 to introduce new requirements for “Complex Electronic Control Systems” aimed at addressing new technologies such as automatically commanded braking.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
GRVA-14-09 | UN R78: Proposal for a 06 series of amendments This informal document proposes amendments to UN R78 to introduce new requirements for “Complex Electronic Control Systems” aimed at addressing new technologies such as automatically commanded braking.
GRVA/2022/26 | UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to improve UN R78 alignment with UN R13-H provisions concerning the stop lamp signal.
10. UN Regulation No. 90

GRVA may wish to review proposals for amendments to UN Regulation No. 90 (Replacement brake linings, discs, and drums), if any.

GRVA-14-17 | UN R90: Proposal for a Corrigendum Proposal to correct an error in para. 2.3. Weight reduction solutions for brake discs must yield a higher (not lower) ratio between vehicle kinetic energy and mass of the disc braking surface than the reference disc.
GRVA-14-17 | UN R90: Proposal for a Corrigendum Proposal to correct an error in para. 2.3. Weight reduction solutions for brake discs must yield a higher (not lower) ratio between vehicle kinetic energy and mass of the disc braking surface than the reference disc.
GRVA-14-17 | UN R90: Proposal for a Corrigendum Proposal to correct an error in para. 2.3. Weight reduction solutions for brake discs must yield a higher (not lower) ratio between vehicle kinetic energy and mass of the disc braking surface than the reference disc.
GRVA-14-17 | UN R90: Proposal for a Corrigendum Proposal to correct an error in para. 2.3. Weight reduction solutions for brake discs must yield a higher (not lower) ratio between vehicle kinetic energy and mass of the disc braking surface than the reference disc.
GRVA-14-17 | UN R90: Proposal for a Corrigendum Proposal to correct an error in para. 2.3. Weight reduction solutions for brake discs must yield a higher (not lower) ratio between vehicle kinetic energy and mass of the disc braking surface than the reference disc.
11. Exchange of views on guidelines and relevant national activities

GRVA may wish to receive information on national activities related to vehicle automation and connectivity, if any.

GRVA-14-22 | Automated and connected road transport: Regulatory framework in France-latest developments
12. Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
12. (a) Implementation of relevant provisions in Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement

GRVA will further discuss the concept “Unique Identifier (UI) summary document” related to the use of the Database of the Exchange of Type Approval documentation (DETA), which was developed by GRE and the IWG on DETA.

GRVA-14-05 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05/Rev.1 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA

GRVA will resume consideration of a preliminary version of a list of UN Regulations, under the purview of GRVA, for which the use of the Unique Identifier should be prohibited.

GRVA-14-05 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05/Rev.1 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05/Rev.1 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
GRVA-14-05/Rev.1 | 1958 Agreement: Unique Identifier and UN Regulations under the purview of the Working Party GRVA
12. (b) International Whole Vehicle Type Approval

GRVA may wish to receive a status report on the activities of the IWG on International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) and subgroup activities, if any.

13. Election of Officers

In compliance with Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedure (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Rev.2) and as elaborated in informal document WP.29-187-18 (please also refer to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1166, paras. 28-29), GRVA will elect the Chair and Vice-Chair(s) of the sessions scheduled for the year 2023.

14. Other business
14. (a) Arrangement of meetings

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the input from WP.29 regarding the envisaged organization of a combined meeting with the Global Forum on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1).

GRVA may wish to discuss the organization of GRVA meetings outside of Geneva in 2023, as envisaged at the May 2022 session.

14. (b) Any other business

GRVA may wish to consider any other proposals, if available.

14. (c) Tributes