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Web conference
(Latest 15 October 2020)
23 September 2020 Invitation and agenda for the 12th Reversing Warning Systems task force session TFRWS-12-01
TFRWS-12-01 2020-09-23
14 October 2020 Reversing Warning Systems: Proposal for a draft text (Japan) TFRWS-12-02/Rev.2
TFRWS-12-02/Rev.2 2020-10-14
29 September 2020 Reversing warning system field test outcomes (Daimler) TFRWS-12-03
TFRWS-12-03 2020-09-29
8 October 2020 ISO 9533-Section 7.1.1: Recorded dB values TFRWS-12-04
TFRWS-12-04 2020-10-08
8 October 2020 Sound measurement uncertainties: Test set-up for second validation program TFRWS-12-05
TFRWS-12-05 2020-10-08
15 October 2020 Draft minutes of the 12th Reversing Warnings task force session TFRWS-12-06
TFRWS-12-06 2020-10-15