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Trailer-mounted warning lights
Document GRE-73-09
9 April 2015

Discussions have arisen within GRRF concerning failure warnings for trailer direction indicators and brake lights. This paper alerts GRE to the absence of a standardized approach to communicating such lighting failures for trailers which may be a subject for consideration under UN R48.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (b) Other proposals for amendments to Regulation No. 48
9. New business and late submissions

47. At the GRRF request, the secretariat presented the idea of introducing a warning lamp into Regulations Nos. 79 and 13 to light up at any brake application and to indicate the proper functioning of the trailer electrical braking system on some trailers (GRE-73-09). GRE agreed that such lamps do not fall under the scope of Regulation No. 48 and, if required, such an exemption could be introduced explicitly into the definitions of Regulation No. 48.

3. (c) Clarifications

12. The expert from Germany, recalling the purpose of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/ GRRF/2013/29, introduced GRRF-79-24 containing the draft working in development by the experts from Germany and the Netherlands about provisions for electromechanical braking systems for towing vehicles and their trailers.

13. The experts from Germany and the Netherlands agreed to submit a revised proposal to the September 2015 session of GRRF or to deliver a roadmap in case longer work would be needed.

14. The experts from Germany and the Netherlands invited experts from the industry and from other countries to participate into their work.

8. (a) Vehicle automation
9. (a) Regulation No. 79

40. The expert from CLEPA, on behalf of CLCCR, introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2014/8 as amended by GRRF-79-02 and GRRF-79-21, aimed at removing a design restriction from Regulation No. 79 that prevents the approval of new technologies. The proposal received some comments. GRRF agreed to resume consideration on this item at its September 2015 session based on a revised proposal that the author volunteered to prepare. The secretariat agreed to consult the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling on the issue of trailer mounted warning light.

3. (c) Clarifications

11. The expert from Germany presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2013/29 introducing provisions for electrical or hydraulic transmissions for brake systems. The expert from OICA, with reference to GRRF-75-13, answered to this proposal. GRRF noted a number of comments and agreed to resume consideration of this item at its next session on the basis of a revised document that the expert from Germany volunteered to prepare.

3. (e) Other business
13. (b) Revision and extension of approvals
13. (d) Any other business
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