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The 1997 Agreement - Possible solutions and the way forward
Document WP.29-165-03
6 March 2015

In 2014, the European Union revised its legislation on periodic inspections to ensure the roadworthiness of motor vehicles (Directive 2014/45/EU). The WP.29 secretariat has prepared this document to encourage consideration of ways to align the 1997 Agreement on vehicle technical inspections with the EU legislation towards facilitating broader participation among nations in the agreement.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7.1. | Status of the 1997 Agreement

79. The secretariat presented WP.29-165-03 and proposed to align the 1997 Agreement and its annexed rules with the new European legislation, thus including the testing of electronic safety systems into PTI. The secretariat also proposed introducing additional element to the Agreement in line with the decisions taken at the seventy-seventh ITC: (i) new Rule 3 on the equipment to be used for PTI, (ii) new Rule 4 on skills and training of staff performing PTI, and (iii) new Rule 5 on supervision and quality control of PTI centres. The secretariat also suggested that an IWG on PTI could be created to provide a platform for PTI discussions, which should result in consensus on possible amendments to existing Rules as well as the envisaged new rules. The secretariat pointed that the drafting of Rules by the IWG would smooth the decision-making process in WP.29 and AC.4.

80. The representative of the Russian Federation stated that, in principle, his country would support the creation of an IWG. He expressed the willingness of his country to participate in its work and addressed organizational questions related to the establishment of terms of reference and whether it should be a permanent group. He noted that items to be covered by Rules are prescribed by the Agreement (Article 1) and include elements such as vehicle categories, the equipment and/or parts to be inspected, test methods, and conditions for granting inspection certificate. The certificate shall cover date of its issue, the Rules to which the inspected vehicle shall comply and date of the subsequent inspection. He elaborated that elements proposed by the secretariat should be reflected directly in the text of the Agreement, specifically in the provisions for conformity of periodical technical inspection process.

81. The representative of the Netherlands stated that his country agreed with the proposal from CITA and the secretariat to create an IWG. He expressed the willingness of his country to chair it.

82. The representative of Finland welcomed the initiatives and supported the proposal. He expressed the willingness of his country to participate in the work of the group.

83. The representative of Sweden stated that, as a Member State of the EU, his country was obliged to transpose EU directives. He stated that it would be interesting to learn more about the 1997 Agreement to assess if this would be a suitable platform to develop PTI Rules. He added that, as the 1968 Vienna Convention links the usage of vehicles with PTI, the 1997 Agreement could become a cooperation platform between WP.29 and WP.1. He expressed his support for the establishment of an IWG.

84. The representative of Romania supported the establishment of the IWG and expressed the hope that this proposal would address the challenges faced by WP.29 and AC.4.

85. The World Forum agreed to establish an IWG on PTI under the chairmanship of the Netherlands and that CITA would act as secretariat to the group. The World Forum requested the group to draft its Terms of Reference and submit them to the November 2015 session of WP.29.

Relates to 1997 Agreement |