EC proposal definition useful life and related clauses for the GTR on motorcycle emissions |
Reference Number: EPPR-10-15 |
Submitted by: EC |
Document date: 20 Mar 15 |
Relevant to GTR No. 17 | Motorcycle crankcase and evaporative emissions, GTR No. 2 | Motorcycle Emissions and Fuel Consumption, WP.29 Discussion Topic | L-vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements, GTR No. 18 | Motorcycle On-Board Diagnostic Systems, and GTR No. 23 | Durability of L-category Vehicle Pollution Control Devices. |
View full document file for more information |
EC proposal concerning fuels for use in motorcycle emissions testing |
Reference Number: EPPR-11-09 |
Submitted by: EC |
Document date: 21 May 15 |
Relevant to GTR No. 2 | Motorcycle Emissions and Fuel Consumption, GTR No. 17 | Motorcycle crankcase and evaporative emissions, GTR No. 18 | Motorcycle On-Board Diagnostic Systems, GTR No. 23 | Durability of L-category Vehicle Pollution Control Devices, and WP.29 Discussion Topic | L-vehicle Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements. |
View full document file for more information |
EPPR-10-15 | |
EPPR-11-09 |
Regulation: | GTR No. 13 | Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety |
Document: | Amendment 1 | Corrigendum 1 |