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European Commission comments, Work of WLTP on electrified vehicles (EV): phase 1b, 2 and 3 (Item 4)
Document EVE-12-06
24 October 2014
Submitted by EC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. | Working Issues for WLTP Phase 2

Starting note by K. Kobayashi (WLTP-08-41e, WLTP-08-41e_annex) was presented. ToR need to be established until mid of 2015. Main issues are durability, in service conformity, additional tests. A questionnaire will be sent out to CPs to be completed until the end of February 2015. First views in IWG meeting #9 by K. Steininger (WLTP-08-42e) including EV issues of WLTP Phase 2 & 3. Consolidated communication to EVE-IWG is recommended. OICA is invited to contribute.

4. | Topic 1: Vehicle range and energy consumption testing

Mr. Olechiw introduced the topic using document EVE-12-14e and by reviewing the text of the EV Guide (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/81). A scope of work for the topic area was not presented; rather, using document EVE-12-05e, Japan informed the group that this issue should not be pursued by the EVE IWG, as it is or could be explored by other GRPE working groups (i.e. WLTP IWG). Referencing documents EVE-11-08e, 09e, 10e, and EVE-12-06e, the European Commission agreed with this position.

Mr. Per Ohlund presented EVE-12-07e, which detailed current EV work ongoing in the WLTP IWG. The WLTP IWG is currently in phase 1b of work and the future EV issues to be covered by the group in future work (phase 2 and 3) have not been decided by the group; also, phase 2 is not anticipated to start within the next year. There was disagreement among the group as to whether some topics proposed for investigation under this topic by the EVE IWG would be covered by future WLTP IWG. Mr. Olechiw requested the group to consider whether the EVE IWG could assist the WLTP IWG by conducting some EV-related work between now and the beginning of phase 2.

Overall, the majority of the group agreed the topic should not be part of the new EVE mandate and no party/organization volunteered to lead the topic. Mr. Olechiw requested the group revisit this decision on Day 2 of the meeting under agenda item 9.

Document EVE-12-06e, submitted by the European Commission, was not discussed in detail as the author was not present at the meeting, so it was recommended to add this document to the agenda of the next EVE meeting.

ACTION 2: The EVE Secretariat will add document EVE-12-06e to the agenda of the next EVE meeting.

7. | Topic 2: Method of stating energy consumption

Mr. Olechiw introduced the topic by reviewing the text of the EV Guide (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/81) and China presented on their proposed scope of work for the topic using document EVE-12-10e-Rev1; China emphasized that determining the proper expression method for energy consumption was very needed. To carry out research related to this topic, they proposed three steps: 1) complete a study on the EV energy consumption evaluation method to be executed by main countries, 2) build a database and conduct comparative analysis on the energy structure for main countries worldwide, and 3) discuss the necessity and possibility to standardize the energy consumption method.

Discussion focused on whether this topic is suitable for exploration under the WP.29 forum and if contracting parties have the appropriate experts to complete work required for this topic. Referencing documents EVE-11-08e, 09e, 10e, and EVE-12-06e, the European Commission indicated it was their preference that work not be pursued on this topic in the new EVE mandate and Japan supported this position.

Understanding that China is supportive of this work, Mr. Olechiw requested the group consider the option of keeping this topic area in the new EVE mandate, but removing it from consideration for future GTR development. There was general support expressed by the group for this option and Mr. Olechiw requested the group revisit this decision under agenda item 9. There was some discussion concerning the possibility of developing a technical report, which could be added into the SR1 and/or RE3 documents; parties agreed to consider this and discuss it further at the next EVE meeting.

ACTION 3: Concerning future work under Topic 2, the EVE group will consider the development of a technical report that could be added into the SR1 and/or RE3 documents and discuss further at the next EVE meeting.

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