Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Emissions Test Procedure | Session 8 | 18-20 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 12.
Working Issues for WLTP Phase 2

Starting note by K. Kobayashi (WLTP-08-41e, WLTP-08-41e_annex) was presented. ToR need to be established until mid of 2015. Main issues are durability, in service conformity, additional tests. A questionnaire will be sent out to CPs to be completed until the end of February 2015. First views in IWG meeting #9 by K. Steininger (WLTP-08-42e) including EV issues of WLTP Phase 2 & 3. Consolidated communication to EVE-IWG is recommended. OICA is invited to contribute.

WLTP-08-41 Starting note for WLTP Phase 2 (Japan)
WLTP-08-41/Annex.1 Annex to the starting note for WLTP Phase 2 (Japan)
WLTP-08-42 WLTP phases 2-3: Electric vehicle issues (EC)