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Terms of Reference to create an Informal GRSG group on NGV-R.110
Document GRSG-107-02
29 August 2014

Proposal to establish an expert working group to review and update the provisions of UN Regulation No. 110 in order to produce a new consolidated, harmonized version of the regulation.

Submitted by NGV
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. Regulation No. 110 (Specific components for CNG)

45. The expert from NGV Global introduced GRSG-108-02-Rev.1 justifying to withdraw from consideration at this time his initial proposal (GRSG-108-02) for the terms of reference to establish a IWG on Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) to develop an amendment to UN Regulation No.110. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at one of its next sessions on the basis of a new proposal taking into account new input from the NGV stakeholders.

18. Other business
9. Regulation No. 110 (CNG/LNG vehicles)

26. Recalling its request at the previous session, GRSG noted the availability of ISO STD 11439:2013 and ISO 6722 (GRSG-107-28) with a condition of limited use by GRSG experts. The expert from NGV Global introduced the terms of references (ToR) for the proposed IWG to revise the provisions of the UN Regulation (GRSG-107-02), including the harmonization of provisions related to private standards. The expert from Germany suggested that the proposed ToR needed improvement and added that he did not support the establishment of an IWG that would revise the UN Regulation without a clear description of tasks. The expert from France made similar comments and raised concerns on the availability of ISO standards. The Chair of GRSG suggested the possible solution of reproducing the part concerned with ISO STD 11439:2013 into Annex 3 of the UN Regulation rather than to reference it. GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its May 2015 session on the basis of a revised proposal tabled by the expert from NGV Global. Interested experts were invited to contact the expert from NGV to complete the revised draft ToR.

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