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Draft Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles
Document GRSP-55-28
19 May 2014

Draft text transposing the provisions of GTR No. 13 into a new UN Regulation for the type approval of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles with regard to safety performance. This text supersedes document GRSP/2013/22 and reflects the results of informal discussions among the European Commission, Japan and OICA.

Submitted by EC and OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
19. Proposal for a new Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles
20. Proposal for new Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles

31. The expert from OICA made a presentation (GRSP-54-01) to introduce a draft new UN Regulation on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/22), transposing the UN GTR No. 13 into the 1958 Agreement on the same subject. He also presented GRSP-54-12, introducing some corrections to the proposal and GRSP-54-02 (for information only), highlighting the changes introduced with respect to the UN GTR. The expert from Japan made a presentation (GRSP-54-37) on the main objective of the proposal. He also suggested (GRSP-54-22) a separate UN Regulation, to address liquefied hydrogen storage systems and to allow Contracting Parties to apply impact tests already in use at the national level until the conclusion of Phase 2 of the UN GTR. He finally introduced some corrections (GRSP-54-21) to the text of the proposal. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2014 session on the basis of a revised official proposal, voluntarily prepared by the experts from EC and OICA, incorporating comments received by interested parties. GRSP also agreed to keep GRSP-54-21 and GRSP-54-12 in the agenda of the next session for reference only.

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