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Progress report of the GRSG informal group on Accident Emergency Call System (AECS)
Document GRSG-106-31
7 May 2014
Submitted by Russia
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
15. Accident Emergency Call Systems

38. The expert from the Russian Federation, chairing the Informal Working Group on Accident Emergency Call System (AECS), reported on the progress made by the Group during the last meeting held in Turin in September 2014. He stressed the need to agree on the scope and principles of the draft UN Regulation on AECS. He presented GRSG-107-11 listing three possible alternatives (i) limitation of the scope of the UN Regulation to the vehicle while excluding issues on communication network and data transmission mechanisms, (ii) development of several UN Regulations, each one covering a technology class for a specific region, (iii) development of a UN Regulation that includes three classes of AECS covering the technologies used in the regions of the European Union, Japan and Russian Federation.

39. Several delegates expressed their concern on the first option due to the limited scope of the Regulation and the need to ensure that the type of AECS must be tested as a whole. GRSG decided to reject the second option. A large number of experts expressed their preference for the third option as long as the mutual recognition under the 1958 Agreement could be met.

40. GRSG agreed to go forward with option (iii) but to keep option (i) as a backup solution. The Chair of GRSG announced his intention to seek the advice of WP.29 at its November 2014 session.

14. Automatic Emergency Call Systems (AECS)

44. The expert from the Russian Federation, chairing the informal working group on Accident Emergency Call System (AECS), reported on the work results of the recent three meetings. He underlined the need to align UN Regulations Nos. 94 and 95. He announced that the next meeting was scheduled to be held in Turin, Italy on 2-4 September 2014. GRSG noted GRSG-106-03 proposing the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures of AECS and adopted them as reproduced in Annex IV to the GRSG 106th session report.

45. GRSG also noted the lack in the harmonization of the different mobile communication networks available in the regions and the dilemma of AECS to develop test requirements for the different data transmission processes and protocols. GRSG endorsed the proposed introduction of different classes of AECS and underlined the need that the new provisions shall be performance-oriented and technology neutral.

46. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2014 on the basis of concrete proposal by AECS. The secretariat was requested to keep GRSG-106-31 on the agenda as a reference document.

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