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Proposal for further amendments to Regulation No. 10
Document GRE-71-26
28 March 2014

Text originally prepared by Belgium to propose amendments to Regulation No. 107 to align the additional safety prescriptions for trolleybuses (Annex 12) with the corresponding electrical standards (see document GRSG/2013/16). During discussion in the October 2013 session of GRSG, some Contracting Parties felt that the prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses belong in Regulation No. 10. So these prescriptions are taken out of the amended proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/19) and are proposed here for consideration by GRE for further action.

Submitted by Belgium
Status: Superseded
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4. (i (iv)) Any other business

44. The expert from Belgium introduced a proposal to amend Regulation No. 10 with prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2014/41). GRE noted that this amendment had been originally prepared for Regulation No. 107 (General construction of buses and coach), but the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) felt that the prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses belong to Regulation No. 10 which is under the auspices of GRE. The experts from the Russian Federation and OICA pointed out that the proposed prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses do not fit Regulation No. 10, as they are substantially different from the current provisions in this Regulation and would require different testing methods and equipment that are not easily available. GRE agreed to solicit the expert opinions on this issue and to revert to it at its next session. Meanwhile, GRE invited its Chair to bilaterally discuss the issue with the GRSG Chair and, if necessary, to raise it at the November 2014 session of AC.2.

12. (d) Any other business

65. The expert from Belgium introduced GRE-71-26 proposing amendments to UN Regulation No. 10 with regard to electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses, with a view to aligning the additional safety prescriptions for trolleybuses (Annex 12 to UN Regulation No. 107) with the corresponding electrical standards (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/16). GRE invited the expert from Belgium to re-submit his contribution as official document for consideration at the next session.

2. (a) Proposals for further amendments

8. The expert from Belgium introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/16 amending the safety prescriptions for trolleybuses to update these according to the respective electrical standard EN 50502. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSG-105-13 listing a number of suggestions to improve the proposed text. GRSG noted some comments supporting the proposals. The Chair invited all experts to send, in due time, their written comments to the expert from Belgium to allow him to prepare a revised proposal. GRSG agreed to resume consideration at its next session on the basis of a revised official document.

2. (b) Requirements for service doors, windows and emergency exits
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