37. GRSP welcomed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2008/11, tabled by the expert from the EC, regarding the transposition of GTR No. 7 (Head restraints) into Regulation No. 17. The proposal received some comments. The expert from the Netherlands urged a solution for the head restraints height issue, regretting that it was delayed several times in the past. The expert from Japan gave a presentation (GRSP-43-20) and introduced GRSP-43-05 intended to allow Contracting Parties to transpose into their national or regional law alternative test procedures for the dynamic assessment of head restraints.
38. The proposal from Japan received a general support by GRSP. The expert from the EC solicited written comments in order to have a reasonable assumption that his draft proposal would reflect the expert expectations. GRSP endorsed the request by the expert from the EC and invited all GRSP experts to provide the secretariat in due time with proposals complementing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2008/11. GRSP requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-43-05 with an official symbol at the next GRSP session.