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lnformation of Korea Cases on Vehicle Indoor Air Quality
Document GRPE-68-11
7 January 2014

Background information gathered in Korea to support the proposal for a new regulation to protect vehicle users with regard to harmful airborne chemical compounds originating from the materials used in vehicle interiors.

Submitted by MOLIT and KATRI
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
15. | Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ)

65. Having recalled the WP.29 decision to seek more information on VIAQ before taking decisions upon the development of a UN GTR on the subject (as reported under agenda item 2), the GRPE Chair announced that the VIAQ expert from Korea wished to share a presentation on the subject (GRPE-68-11). Unfortunately, he could not attend this session. GRPE agreed to postpone the introduction of GRPE-68-11 to its next session, in June 2014, maintaining this item on the agenda.

Relates to MR 3: VIAQ |