Amendment proposal to add test procedures for heavy-duty hybrid vehicles to the global technical regulation on eavy-duty road vehicle emissions (WHDC).
16. The secretary to the IWG on HDH introduced GRPE-69-12 and reported on the completion of the work. He presented GRPE-69-10 amending the proposal in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/11 introducing a novel approach for assessing the performance of the entire vehicle powertrain by a simulation (HILS) as well as the final technical report (GRPE-69-11) for the proposed Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 4.
17. GRPE noted that the HILS method validation was only partially completed when applying the Japanese criteria but that none of the prerequisites were met for extending the mandate for further action by the IWG. Therefore, GRPE acknowledged the work done by the IWG and agreed to remove this item from the provisional agenda of the seventieth session of GRPE in January 2015.
18. GRPE adopted the proposal ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/11 as amended by GRPE-69-10 and GRPE-69-22 (Part A) as reproduced in Addendum 2 to the GPE 68th session report. GRPE also adopted the corresponding technical report (GRPE-69-11 as amended by GRPE-69-22 (Part B), reproduced in Addendum 2) and requested the secretariat to submit them as a proposal for draft Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 4 to WP.29 and AC.3 at their November 2014 sessions.
31. [The HDH Chair] focused on the draft amendment to UN GTR No. 4 (GRPE-68-12) by providing details on the definitions, the concept of hybrid powertrain family, the approach considered, the content of Annex 8 (hardware in the loop simulation method) and 9 (powertrains method), as well as amendments aligning UN GTR No. 4 with UN GTR No. 11. The endorsement of GRPE was needed on this last point, since this is beyond the original HDH mandate.
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