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SAE Safety and Sound Investigations
Document GRB-49-01
17 February 2009
Submitted by SAE
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. (b) | Minimum sound limit values for silent vehicles

32. On behalf of SAE, the expert from ISO introduced GRB-49-01 regarding on-going safety and sound investigations conducted by SAE. He added that ISO and SAE would cooperate to develop new test procedures and he volunteered to keep GRB informed about the results of their work.

33. The expert from the United States of America was in favour of taking immediate action within GRB instead of waiting for external research results. GRB endorsed his suggestion to set up an informal group on this subject, subject to the consent by WP.29 at its March 2009 session. GRB invited the expert from the United States of America to prepare the draft Terms of Reference of the informal group, for consideration at the next GRB session in September 2009.

Relates to QRTV-GTR |