Working draft of the proposed global technical regulation on technical requirements for quiet road transport vehicles with regard to their sound emissions, pursuant to the first session of the GTRQRTV informal group task force 01.
The remaining time of the meeting was used to make modifications to the draft text of
the GTR (document GTRQRTV-TF-02-06) in preparation of the next official meeting in December.
5.3 Other development of the draft GTR document
The Task Force focused on the text that was not discussed during the latest official meeting of the IG GTR for QRTV. In this manner, the text has been commented upon and suggestions with respect to the streamlining of the text have been recorded. The text in the linked document represents its latest status and will be the base for continued discussions during the following meeting.
GTRQRTV-TF-01-03 | |
GTRQRTV-TF-02-06 |