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Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 concerning low-floor vehicles
Document GRSG-105-03
16 September 2013

Proposal to clarify that “low-floor vehicles” concern only those vehicles that provide a single step from the ground into the low floor area.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Superseded
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2. (a) Proposals for further amendments

6. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2014/2 clarifying the technical provisions for low floor vehicles. GRSG adopted the proposal, as reproduced below, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2014 sessions, as a part (see para. 5 above) of draft Supplement 2 to the 05 series of amendments and of draft Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107.

Annex 8, paragraph 3.1., amend to read:

The height of the first step …… of Class II, III and B. In the case where only one service door meets this requirement there shall be no barrier or sign which prevents that door from being used as both an entrance and an exit.

As an alternative for vehicles of Class I and A, the first step from the ground shall not exceed 270 mm in two door openings, one entrance and one exit.

In low floor vehicles only, a kneeling system, but not a retractable step, may be engaged.

In other vehicles either a kneeling system and/or a retractable step may be engaged.

The height of steps in ……"

2. (a) Proposals for further amendments

9. The expert from Germany presented GRSG-105-03 clarifying the requirements for low floor vehicles. GRSG noted general support on the proposal and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSG-105-03 with an official symbol for further consideration at its next session.

2. (a) Proposals for further amendments

12. The expert from Germany introduced GRSG-104-08 clarifying the requirements for low floor vehicles. GRSG agreed in principle on the proposal. The expert from EC considered that the text needed to be clarified. The Chair invited the expert from Germany to prepare a revised proposal for consideration at the next GRSG session in October 2013.

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