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Request for a mandate to amend GTR No. 2 and to develop new GTR in the area of EPPR
Document GRPE-66-12
31 May 2013

Request for a mandate to amend UN GTR No. 2 and to develop new UN GTRs and UN Regulations in the area of Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for light vehicles

Submitted by EC
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
17.1. | GTR No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle emission Test Cycle (WMTC))

95. The representative of EU reported on the work progress of the IWG on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for L-category vehicles. He introduced a proposal to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 2 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/127), aimed at inserting environmental and propulsion performance requirements and at extending the scope to three-wheeled vehicles. He added that the proposal also aimed at developing new UN GTRs and Regulations on environmental and propulsion performance requirements for light vehicles, specifying new provisions on (i) crank case and evaporative emissions, (ii) On Board Diagnostic Systems (OBD) and (iii) propulsion unit performances (i.e. power, torque and maximum speed). He concluded his report indicating that the terms of reference and rules of procedures of EPPR had been annexed to the GRPE report ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/66. AC.3 endorsed the proposal and requested the secretariat to prepare a corresponding AC.3 document for transmission to GRPE. The Representative of IMMA stated the industry’s support to the IWG EPPR and emphasized the importance of the decision taken in the IWG to give priority to the work on two-wheelers, in particular L3 vehicles. He also emphasized the high ambition of the IWG to deliver the results and final report in 2016.

9. (a) | Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for L-category vehicles

55. The EPPR Chair introduced GRPE-66-12, containing the request for a mandate to amend UN GTR No. 2 and to develop new UN GTRs and UN Regulations in the area of Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for light vehicles. He explained that this follows the ongoing revision of environmental and propulsion performance requirements for the type approval of L-category vehicles in the European Commission and aims to increase global harmonization on the subject.

56. Answering to the question raised by IMMA on the need for mandate to develop new UN GTRs, the EPPR Chair suggested following the same route undertaken for the UN GTR development, as in the case of OBD. Responding to a request for clarifications by the expert from Italy on the intentions of the EPPR group on vehicle classifications and the extension to mopeds of the WMTC, the EPPR Chair confirmed that there is an intention to redefine classifications and the scope of UN GTR No. 2, adding that detailed decisions on these subject require further discussions with interested stakeholders.

57. GRPE approved the updated EPPR terms of reference, as reproduced in Annex VI of the GRPE meeting report. GRPE also considered GRPE-66-12, supporting its submission for consideration by WP.29 and AC.3 in their next session and endorsing the request for a mandate to amend UN GTR No. 2, to develop new UN GTRs (if necessary), and to amend and/or develop UN Regulations.

9. (c) | UN Global Technical Regulation No. 2
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