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Impact of inductive charging of electric buses on the distribution network
Document EVE-06-06
28 May 2013
Submitted by TRL
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. Information-sharing presentations and results from research activities completed since EVE 5

Two EV information-sharing presentations were made during the EVE-6 meeting that overlapped with priority areas of interest identified by the group in Reference Guide development (EVE-06-04e).

First, Denis Naberezhnykh (Senior ITS Consultant, Sustainable Mobility Group, TRL, United Kingdom) presented on the impact of inductive charging of electric buses on the distribution network (EVE-06-06e). The presentation was well received and some follow-up questions were posed concerning practicality of plug-in charging, wireless charging during motion, and types of bus routes.

Second, Jean-Pol Wiaux (Director General, Recharge, The European Association for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries, Belgium) presented on Service Life Parameters of lithium ion batteries (EVE-06-05e). This presentation was also well received with a few follow-up questions concerning the impact of temperature of storage on range, costs, and battery chemistries.

ACTION 5: The Secretary will follow-up with Mr. Wiaux concerning cold temperature data for inclusion in Reference Guide analysis.

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