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Proposal for amendment to document GRE/2013/12
Document GRE-69-21
2 April 2013

Amendments to the CEMA proposal for an updating of UN R86.

Submitted by Italy
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. | First exchange of views and discussion of the CEMA proposal
14. | Regulation No. 86

38. The expert from CEMA introduced GRE-69-02 proposing several amendments to the Regulation No. 86. GRE agreed to set up an informal group on Agricultural Vehicle Lighting Installation (AVLI) to deal with this item. The experts from Germany and the Netherlands were proposed to serve as co-Chair. The expert from CEMA was proposed to serve as the Secretary to the informal group. The first session of the AVLI informal group was scheduled to be held in Bonn, Germany, on 19 June 2013. GRE requested the AVLI informal group to draft a proposal for the Terms of Reference of the informal working group for its October 2013 session and to consider GRE-69-02, GRE-69-03 and GRE-69-21.

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