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ASEP : ACEA study
Document GRBP-80-31
18 September 2024
Submitted by ACEA and OICA
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N Categories of Vehicles)

6. The expert from OICA reported on the ongoing ASEP/ RD-ASEP study (GRBP-80-31) which included two parts:

  1. their own tests of eight vehicles (four pairs of old and successor models) according to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51, ASEP and partly RD-ASEP, and
  2. an analysis of data on RD-ASEP collected from the type approval authorities and technical services under the monitoring phase according to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51.

7. Regarding (ii), the expert of OICA explained that the collected data might not be representative enough, due to the low number of datasets the majority of which had been received from two type approval authorities. Thus, he wondered whether the current mandatory RD-ASEP testing period could be extended with the aim to cover more vehicles and powertrain technologies.

8. GRBP noted that the legally established monitoring period had ended in June 2024 and that further data should be collected until the end of December 2024 only on a voluntary basis. GRBP also agreed that OICA should contact the type approval authorities to find out the number of vehicle manufacturers whose test data had been submitted anonymously.

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