Draft submission from the IMMA in order take into consideration the amendments 1- 3 to Regulation No. 60 and the UN GTR on controls, telltales and indicators for motorcycles.
34. The expert from IMMA presented GRSG-102-08 containing a consolidated version of UN Regulation No. 60 and aligning the text with new UN GTR No. 12 on motorcycle controls, tell-tales and indicators. He introduced GRSG-102-09 and GRSG-102-10 introducing editorial corrections to the revised text of UN Regulation No. 60 respectively UN GTR No. 12. GRSG noted some comments and agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2012. The secretariat was requested to distribute the three informal documents with an official symbol. In this respect, GRSG agreed to merge GRSG-102-08 and GRSG-102-09 in one official document.
35. The expert from Italy volunteered to prepare a proposal to develop Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 12 for consideration at the next WP.29 and AC.3 sessions in June 2012.