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DETA: Thoughts on use of the Unique Identifier
Document GRVA-17-46
28 September 2023
Submitted by CITA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
13. | UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

32. GRSG recalled that its experts were invited to provide further comments and indications on which UN Regulations would not be affected by the Unique Identifier (UI). GRSG also noted that it was expected to complete a tentative list provided at its previous sessions. The expert from CITA introduced GRSG-126-27 to provide clarity on the use of the different markings of a device corresponding to a single UI.

33. Finally, GRSG adopted GRSG-126-26-Rev.2 tabled by the experts from CITA and CLEPA and agreed to send it to the IWG on Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation as the final deliberation of GRSG on this subject.

12. | Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement

109. The representative of CITA presented (GRVA-17-46) some thoughts on the Unique Identifier. He mentioned the benefits as well as the disadvantage related to the use of UI (e.g., more time needed to obtain the same information as the one provided by physical markings) and proposed ideas to clarify the concept. GRVA thanked him for these observations.

4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

88. The representative of Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented WP.29-190-13, introducing the report (WP.29-190-12) to the World Forum on the work of the IWG at its forty-seventh session, held on 15 June 2023. He informed WP.29 that the IWG on DETA was reviewing UI implications and would advise WP.29 in due time. He invited WP.29 to consider endorsing the roll out of the ‘two-factor authentication by e-mail’ feature and allowing “read only” access to all Approval Certificates in DETA for notified Technical Services.

89. The representative of Spain supported the proposed compromise solution to allow read access to DETA for notified Technical Services to all Approval Certificates.

90. WP.29 adopted the proposal by the IWG on DETA to endorse the “two-factor authentication by e-mail”.

91. WP.29 agreed with the proposal to provide access to DETA to the Technical Services that are duly notified to UNECE, which resulted in the amendment to the former decisions of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1157, para. 75 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145, Annex V):

R = read
W = read + write + delete
CERT (communication on type approval)TR (test report)IF (information document)OTHER (other documents)
Approval granting TAA (for granted approval)WWWW
CP applying the UN Reg. for which the approval was granted **)RRRR
CP applying UN Reg. 0 (access to the approvals of R0 and the annexed UN Regulations)RRRR
CPs not applying that UN Reg.R---
Duly notified Technical Service to that UN Reg.R---
Manufacturer *) (only for own approvals)RRRR
*) Manufacturers get access upon request to the DETA Administrator.
**) The DETA focal point may provide access to the Market Surveillance Authority of his/her Country, subject to adherence with para. 91 of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145.
92. The representatives of CITA and OICA stressed the importance to make a decision at WP.29 level on the way forward regarding the use of UI. They recalled that the idea to use UI came about because of the lack of space on small lighting units, which would still need to be solved and suggested a bottom up rather than top down approach.

93. The representative of South Africa recalled his statement made during the last session of WP.29 regarding potential challenges for implementing UI and recommended WP.29 to provide clear guidance to the GRs.

94. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland stated that it would be difficult to allow the use of UI prior to providing solutions on the funding of DETA and on how data would be made accessible to relevant authorities.

95. The representative of the European Union informed WP.29 that GRE already did a detailed analysis of some regulations and came to the preliminary conclusion, that UI might not be the best solution for light sources. He stated that the discussions would continue at the next session of GRE.

96. The representative of Finland, Chair of GRE, stated that GRE had not finalised its discussions on the use of UI for all regulations. He added that GRE had not received any request for the use of UI.

97. The World Forum thanked Germany for continuing to host DETA.

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