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UN R140: Proposal for a supplement
Document GRVA/2023/23
10 July 2023

Proposal to clarify the requirements on the final steering amplitude in cases where front tyre saturation occurs before the calculated magnitude angle.

Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.7.6. | Proposal for a Supplement 6 to the original text of UN Regulation No. 140 (Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Systems)
8. (a) | Electronic Stability Control

92. The representative of OICA presented (GRVA-17-47) their latest amendment proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/23) to the Electronic Stability Control testing procedure to take account for vehicles with low steering gear.

93. The representative of the United States of America reminded GRVA that the original testing procedure was globally harmonized and part of UN GTR No. 8. He did not identify technical issues with the proposal. He asked that field data were collected to support a potential similar amendment of the testing procedure under the 1998 Agreement.

94. GRVA requested the secretariat to transmit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/23 as draft Supplement 6 to UN Regulation No. 140 to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2024 sessions. GRVA also agreed that data is collected to support a similar workstream under the 1998 Agreement.

95. The representative of Czechia suggested GRVA to share views, at one of its next sessions, on the safety of steering systems with a low gear ratio in the context of UN Regulation No. 79.

8. (a) | Electronic Stability Control

96. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2023/9 as amended by GRVA-16-23/Rev.1, aimed at modifying testing requirements on the final steering amplitude in case of front tyres saturation. The experts from Japan and UK supported the revised document, as it addressed their comments.

97. The experts from Canada and the United States of America inquired if there was enough evidence demonstrating that the modification proposed would not lead to a safety decrease. They asked for more data and documentation to support this proposal.

98. The expert from OICA responded that no negative impact on the safety of vehicles was expected, as shown in previous GRVA sessions, based on evidence. She clarified that the reason for this proposal was the introduction of new steering technologies with low steering ratio. She stated that there was no added value in continuing to increase the steering wheel amplitude during the test after the front tyre saturation.

99. GRVA agreed to resume the discussion at its next session.

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